Chapter 21

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We could have left the water immediately, but I knew Mitch missed being in the ocean.

Once I was calm and had recovered from our kisses, I motioned him to go and have fun while he had the chance. I didn't know how many times I would be able to bring him back to the water while he had his six months with me and I wanted him to enjoy every second. I watched as he played with his friends and then disappeared from view as the pod headed back to deeper water. Every moment he was here in his realm and not on land with me was a moment I was losing to make him see what my world had to offer. But could I really compete?

I was sure it was fruitless anyway, because he was obviously his Father's chosen heir. Given everything he'd told me about his Father grooming him for leadership. I had almost completely given up on the possibility that Mitch might chose to stay with me. After all what could I offer him long term apart from my heart?

I wasn't going to be able to give him a family. I certainly couldn't offer him a life free from hostility and bigotry if he stayed with me, no matter how much opinion had changed towards rainbow relationships. All I could offer was love and a life with me on land. How could that compare to a life under the sea? A life of leadership, family and loyalty in his Community?

I found myself mourning his loss even before he had left.

Then I shook my head and ran my fingers over my lips. There was something between us. Something that I deeply longed to continue on land and in a bed. Something I couldn't help but dream about when we weren't together.

I'd never got over him, even when we weren't together and it was worse now that he was back and I'd suddenly begun to hope against all the odds stacked against us, that we could have a chance at a future.

Maudlin thoughts weren't going to help this early on in our tenuous relationship. I was almost desperate to drag him out of the water and take him back to the house. I was chomping at the bit to keep him with me. But I knew the Siren Song of the sea would be more than I could compete against.

But while he was here with me, I was going to show him everything possible. I'd pack a case for us throw it in the car and take him everywhere. Once work was out of the way.

I felt Mitch's hands cover my eyes as his tail twined around my legs and his lips pressed against the back of my head. My heart lit up like a Christmas Tree, just the touch of his hands on my face was enough to make me feel spectacular. If it couldn't be forever, I would enjoy the moments we had and damn the consequences to my heart.

I swallowed down the fear and the resignation and smiled and leaned back into his embrace. I would take each day as it came, I would let my heart love where it loved and when I was no longer able to have my Mitch I would keep loving him. I would never have any room in my heart for any other. Mitch was my one and only. When he left it would leave a gaping hole in my heart that I would never be able to fill with anything or anyone else.

Just for now, it was me and him. Let the chips fall where they may.


Two days later the species list was banged out. Mitch and I had worked tirelessly on it so that we would have time to play. Terry had been impressed with its comprehension and some of the species we'd included even she hadn't known about. So she gave me the rest of the week off and a long weekend to boot. We had five days before we had to come home.

As soon as the car was packed, we took off. We headed up the coast first stopping in San Francisco where we admired the usual suspects. The Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, the Coit Tower, Chinatown and Fisherman's Wharf, oh and the nightlife. That was a real eye-opener for Mitch! From there we headed across to Death Valley and then on to Vegas. Mitch tried gambling at Caesar's Palace, admired the fountain at the Bellagio and we wandered through Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay. He was a dreadful poker player, every time he got a good card his face would light up. No game whatsoever. But that was one of the things I loved about him. That night we took in a show at the Mirage and then we watched 'Ocean's 11' on Netflix with popcorn and slushies.

Mitch fell asleep against my chest as we relaxed on the couch.

I'd consciously been keeping my hands to myself on our adventure. The kisses underwater seemed to be from another life. I wanted my world to be what he wanted to see, not just me. So we ate at every imaginable restaurant, not surprisingly his favourite things were Sushi, Chipotle and Tendergreens. Vegetables, fish and a hint of heat. My kind of diet, plus I introduced him to the wonders of chocolate, chips, sour gummy worms, Twizzlers, Skittles and Reeses. Anything with peanut butter in it and he was immediately a fan.

That night with him asleep against me I slowly drifted off, enjoying every second of holding him tightly and then dreamed of covering him in peanut butter flavoured body paint and licking it off again. When I awoke, we were both lying on the couch. He was on top of me, his breath softly blowing against my cheek. I had a half-asleep crazy thought that I should lick his nose to see if he still tasted like peanut butter and was about to move my head when his eyes opened and he smiled sleepily at me.

"Hi." He said showing his gorgeous dimples as he stirred against me.

I smiled back and prayed he stayed right where he was for... well ever. His body lying on mine, the feeling of closeness, the warmth of his chest pressed against me, his face mere inches from my lips. This was all I wanted, if nothing else ever happened, this moment would be one I would cherish forever.

And then the next when his lips met mine.

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