Chapter 22

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This is heaven, surely... Mitch in my arms, his mouth on mine, the glorious feeling of him lying on top of me, his full length resting on my body. I wrapped my arms around him and drew him tightly against me then sighed against his mouth as I drew away.

"Stop." He demanded as he looked sternly at my retreating face.

I looked back at him in surprise. "What?" I asked before shrugging.

"Why do you keep pulling back Scott?" He asked. "I know you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you. Why do you keep taking a step back whenever I get close to you?"

"Because you're going to leave me." I admitted my fears with a sad smile. "You were meant to rule Mitch. Your Father knows it, your community knows it. This is your chance to see how we live before you return to the sea for good. A chance to understand us, to see why we love our life on land and realise what makes your life under the water just as important to you and your people." I answered.

"I love everything you've shown me so far Scott. I'm looking forward to you showing me even more. Especially if it means I get more kisses, and more than kisses." He assured me. "I don't know what decision I'm going to make at the end of our six months. All I can tell you is not to waste them. Don't hold back out of fear Scott. I want to experience everything you can show me, I feel more when I'm with you. More... real, more like I'm a person, not just a crown. Nothing's set in stone Scott."

I clasped his gorgeous chin in my hand and brought his lips back to mine as I whispered, "You're right. I don't want to let fear get in the way of what we have." I said and kissed him long and deeply. 'Remember your promise to yourself Scott', I told myself. 'No matter the consequences, be with Mitch while you have time'.

So I deepened the kiss and stroked his tongue with mine. He sighed into our embrace and when he responded in kind with his own tongue, I felt that sweet, tightening, deep in my stomach as my desire rose and I lost myself in the man in my arms.

I want to say it was magical, but it was more and less than that. Mitch was a virgin and it was the first time I'd deflowered anyone. So there was a bit of fumbling involved. It took us a fair few embarrassed 'can you move there's' and 'no that's not it's' before we found our rhythm. But when we were finally staring each other in the eyes, with me sunk in as deep as I could go, and Mitch's wide eyes capturing mine, and his breathless gasps turning to moans when I moved... it was pure heaven. His hands clutched at my chest as if he was holding on for dear life each time I pulled back and when I thrust deep again his chin rose slightly higher and he exposed his throat to my teeth. He was so responsive when I scraped my chin across that delicate skin, the noises he made were electrifying.

And his eyes... I was drowning in them.

It was as if he was sinking under water and dragging me with him, and I wanted to drown. When I couldn't go slow any longer and my pace increased in speed and force, he just cried out "Yes Scott, YES!" and I felt myself start to crest the wave of pleasure that lead to oblivion.

His strong wrists pulled me tightly against him, leaving only my hand between us. The hand that was trapped when I felt his own release coat my stomach and the fingers that had been touching him in his most intimate of places.

When he let me fall to the side of his prostrate form and I was able to breathe normally again I smelt a strong scent of the sea. I rolled onto my elbow and looked at him as he lay there still wracked with aftershocks. It was fascinating to find Mitch was covered in salt crystals, as if the sweat he had exerted had turned into sea salt. I ran my clean fingers through it and found to my amazement my assumption was correct.

I touched Mitch and asked if he was alright. "Do you need to eat something salty to get the salt back into your system or something?" I asked.

"No," he said almost gasping. "I need water."

After about a gallon of water to drink he was able to speak again. "Thank you Scott."

"Thank me, thank you!" I said with a smile. "That was amazing, incredible! Well, towards the end at least." I said chuckling.

"It was all amazing Scott." Mitch assured me. "You made sure I was OK, cared for and safe, not to mention all the lubricant we have to wash off." He grinned weakly then tried to sit up. His expression was one of surprise.

I moved over to support him as he tried out his legs. "Not quite what I was expecting." He said before moving to the bathroom. I didn't know if that was a good thing or not. But he turned and smiled and asked, "Coming?"


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