Chapter 32

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"Father!" Mitch pleaded.  "Can you help him?" He entreated and held out a beseeching hand towards Triton as he hovered in the water by the glass.

Triton shook his head negatively and held out his own empty hands. 

Suddenly one of Mitch's sisters swam closer to the outer gate with something in her hands.  It appeared to be a trident, an object I'd always associated with the God Neptune.  And, come to think of it, the ruler of the ocean.  Could Mitch's father really be the ruler of the entire ocean?  I didn't know, but it didn't really matter anymore.  I figured I'd never know the answer to that question.  Never find out her name or see my beautiful Mitch again.

She held out the symbol of Triton's power towards him but once again he shook his head negatively.  He indicated his tail and my very human legs and I guessed that meant he couldn't do anything for me because I was a creature not of his realm.

I understood his expression of regret.  His eyes told me that he would help me if it were up to him, but in the end I walked on land and he lived under the ocean.

I coughed again and Mitch wiped away the blood droplets that landed on my cheek before gathering me close in his arms again.  "Scott, please don't leave me." He begged, but I reminded him that we were there for a purpose.

"Rip..." I managed as his brother came to our side.  I nodded at the two arguing over on the other side of the room, and then towards his father.  "Save... Red button." I managed.  He understood what I meant.  It was time to get Triton to safety.

Hero looked at the wall to the left of the arguing couple.  There was a big button on the wall labelled Sluice Gate.  There was a sign that also said the Aquatic Door had to be closed before the gate could be opened.  "What door?" He asked me and I pointed to the netted door that kept the animals inside the aquarium.  It was closed.

"Open... latch." I said and swallowed as Mitch's eyes filled with tears.

I raised my hand to his face and said, "Don't regret." And I didn't.  I regretted we hadn't had more time.  I regretted not seeing him in his full beauty and his perfect form again.  But I would never regret our time together.

It was beginning to become harder to breathe.  I needed to get them out of there.  "Hurr.." I tried.

Rip waved his brother over to the latch and Hero opened it.  But the noise distracted Terry from her argument with the Security Guard.  "What are you doing?" She shouted.

Mitch was the closest to the angry looking woman as she rushed towards Hero and the latch.  "No, stop!  Don't you dare, she said as she raised the gun towards the sheepish looking brothers. 

"Stop?" He said as he finally became angry and stood up, getting in her way.  "Stop?" He said again as he faced Terry and the gun she held.  "Did you stop before you shot Scott?" He asked ironically.  He shouted, "Did you stop to consider your captive in any way before you locked him up in your prison?"

She snarled, "He's mine.  You can't have him."

"No, he's not." Mitch simply stated and that's when Rip pushed the button.

"NO!" Terry shrieked as the outer sluice gate began to rise.  She turned to point the gun at Rip, but her Guard had beaten her to it.  He had restrained Rip and was holding him tightly by the upper arms.  But it was too late.  The gate was already opening.

Triton swam over to the opening gate with a joyous expression as freedom and his girls waited just on the other side of the glass.

"Stop!" Terry shouted again as her prize was moments away from escape.  But no one took any more notice of her.  Everyone's eyes were on Triton and the ever widening gap between him and freedom.

I smiled as I saw him do an excited flip in the water, a joyous expression of exhilaration before his tail disappeared through the gate into the real safety of the ocean beyond. 

It was a special sight.  Something I would cherish in the moments I had left.  Triton's tail reminded me of Mitch's multi-hued blue one and even if I never saw Mitch's tail again, I was ecstatic that I had been a part of his Father's release.

I smiled up at Mitch who had bent over me once more and gathered me close into his arms again.  "Come with me." He said softly.  I knew I didn't have long.  Maybe not enough time for him to change, but if my last sight was him and his brothers swimming freely I wanted that more than anything. 

I was nodding when suddenly there was shouts of "Police!" and "Nobody move!" and two Police Officers entered the room. 

Finally, the shot Terry had fired had resulted in a response.  Triton and the girls backed away from the glass, disappearing into the darker water, waiting to see what would happen.

The Officers took in Terry, the gun, my bleeding form on the floor and Mitch and his brothers.  I couldn't tell from where I was lying, but I was pretty sure Mitch and the rest of us looked pretty sad and subdued.  The more experienced looking officer decided Terry was the antagonist and shouted, "Put it down" at her, making her drop the offending weapon and hold up her hands. 

The other officer focussed his attention and weapon on the Security Guard and requested backup and medics.  "They're on the way guy, hold on." He said reassuringly to Mitch.  

I wished it wasn't too late.  But the way I felt my strength slipping away... I guessed it was.

A Merman's TailOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora