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𝟣. 𝖷𝖮 

part one

IT WAS THE NEW YEAR. Not a new year, a new school year. Students everywhere showed excitement, going into a new grade, reuniting with their friends, but Sneha on the other hand was annoyed. 

Annoyed at herself for almost missing her flight, annoyed at the face that she had also forgotten her phone charger. Now she had to find an apple store in Seoul, and pay a shit ton for the charger.

"You can use mine." she turned to face the voice source and shrugged, "yeah, but then I'll have to buy another one, I will go broke the first week of school." she complained.

Her friend, Quincy, commonly known as Q among his peers sighed, "you really don't like attending school do you?"

Sneha laughed, "well, you did grow up with me. You should have known that."

Q nodded, "well, it is high school, in Seoul. You like Seoul don't you?" he tried to hype the school up for her.

"Sure..." she shrugged as she sat in the middle seat of the plane, trying to stretch, "is there a way I could get the window seat?" she grinned.

Q did not budge, "I will not fall for those pleading eyes, "it can work three times, I will not fall for it again." he firmly stated.

"You didn't have to be rude about it." she mumbled her voice laced with sarcasm.

"One can only dream." Q stated as he put his headphones on.

"One can only dream." Sneha mocked.

"I have eyes you know." Q reminded her.

The girl rolled her eyes, "maybe I wanted you to know how annoying you can be."



The boy with his luggage shook his head, "I did no such thing!" her friend told her, "I just--"

"Did something!" Q claimed.

Sneha laughed, "fine, Min ho... I'll believe you for a second. Tell us why you are so happy."

Minho chuckled, "Well I saw an American..."

"And you pretended to not know english." Q completed.

Minho nodded with a satisfying smile, "remember when you did that to us?" Q laughed reminiscing, "but Sneha here started conversing in Korean with you." 

"Only you can be mean and happy about it." Sneha laughed as she began dragging her suitcase outside.

Minho smiled back, "nice to see you too, I'm good Sneha, thank you for asking."

Sneha rolled her eyes as they waited for taxis, "does anyone have my roommate's number?" she asked Q and Minho.

"Why? I don't know her, why would I have her number? I don't have her number. I don't even know her name." Min ho stated quickly.

Sneha and Q looked at each other knowingly, "Dude, we saw you making out with her before we all took off last academic year." Q told him.

Minho's eyes widened, "oh--"

Sneha chuckled, "Please don't have a fling with her this time." she told him.

Minho walked forward when he saw his valet pull up, "I-- wasn't going to." he told them as he put his luggage in the back, "you two coming or what?" he asked as he grabbed Sneha's luggage.


"WHO TOLD YOU TO BRING THREE SUITCASES?" Q complained as he dragged one of Sneha's suitcase in the girls dorm, after a quick stop to the boys dorm.

Sneha was knocking the dorm room, "this school plans more activities than actually educating us. I don't want to look like an underdressed fool." she stated.

"You should have thought of that when you wore that outfit in the morning." Minho commented.

Sneha fake gasped, "I will mix dirt in your moisturizer!" she threatened.

"You wouldn't!" the boy with the British accent gasped.

"I would!"

"Can you two stop yelling, the whole dorm can hear you." Sneha's roommate, Pim finally opened the door.  

Sneha squealed as she went to hug her roommate, "I missed you so so so so so so much!" she gushed as the pair almost lost their balance.

Pim laughed as they pulled away, "believe it or not, I missed you too." she told her.

"You know what I didn't miss?" Minho interrupted as he barged into the room, Q following, "you're going to tell us anyways, aren't you?" Sneha asked.

The boy looked around the room, "This dorm is so small. I don't have no idea how you two live here." he pointed out as he set Sneha's suitcase on her side.

It was a dorm for two people, so there were no rooms, it was just a side where they had placed two beds, a kitchen area on the other side, and a bathroom.

It was a normal dorm. But Minho was just so rich.

Sneha quickly took out clothes and changed and the first thing she did was collapse on her bed, tired. All she wanted was to skip whatever party they were holding and sleep it off. But her friends wouldn't let her do that, "can someone text my parents and tell them I reached?" she mumbled, her voice almost inaudible due to it being stuffed in the pillow.

"Do it yourself." Pim groaned.

"Here." she heard Minho say, and felt something hit her back, "what the heck, dude?" she turned around to see what hit her. She held a phone charger, "how did you know?" she asked.

Minho shrugged, "you were constantly complaining and annoying Q, so Q constantly annoyed me complaining about you." he told her.

She grinned at the boy, "you are a nice person!" she told him.

Minho rolled his eyes leaning on the kitchen counter.

"How much do I owe you?" she asked.

Minho waved her off, "it's okay."

Sneha shook her head, "that's not fair." she told him. Minho sighed, "just buy me food three times, and we'll call it even." he told her.


Sneha moved out of her bed to quickly charge her phone, and as soon as it opened she quickly texted her parents that she was alive and safe in her dorm room.

"What are you guys wearing tonight?" Pim asked.

Sneha sighed, "can I skip it?"

"Absolutely not!" Minho shouted at her, "you are not missing the first event of the year. I will not allow it."

Sneha looked annoyed, Q and Pim were ready for the argument, "who are you to decide? I want to sleep."

"You can sleep when you die." Minho told her.

"You first." she stated.

Minho groaned, "you have to come."

"I don't have to." she told him.

"It wouldn't be as fun." he complained.

Q and Pim held knowing smirks, meanwhile Minho and Sneha remained clueless, "fine." Sneha sighed in defeat.


𝘐𝘕𝘝𝘐𝘚𝘐𝘉𝘓𝘌 𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎 | 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗼 (𝘅𝗼, 𝗸𝗶𝘁𝘁𝘆) ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum