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𝟧. 𝖳𝖡𝖧 

part two

SNEHA HAD TWO BOXES OF PIZZA AND WAS LIMPING TO THE BOYS DORM. Her leg wasn't completely healed, but she could manage.

She kicked on the door, making Q running towards it to answer.

"Woah--" his eyes widened as he grabbed one of the pizza box from her, "why?"

"What why? I brought you all food, I'm a nice person."

Q looked at her suspiciously, "you never buy us anything."

Sneha gasped, "how dare you!"

The two walked inside Minho and Kitty were cooking for Chuseok, they saw her coming in. "Hey." Minho nodded.

Sneha smiled. "She brought us pizza." Q stated.

Dae who had to go to his house in a thirty minutes gave her a look as he walked forward and put his hand on her forehead, "are you dying?"

"You bought us food?" Minho asked.

Sneha dramatically gasped as she sat on the couch, "you're making me sound like a rude bitch in front of Kitty!"

"Kitty doesn't think you're a rude bitch. She thinks you're a nice bitch..." Q nodded and looked at Kitty, "Right?"


She and Dae sat back down on the couch, "stop staring at me, I will punch you." she told him.

"And she's back." Dae muttered, making Sneha punch his shoulder. 

Making Dae punch her shoulder.

Making Sneha punch him again.

Mak-- well you know how this goes.

Q had to butt in to break up the mini boxing match happening in his dorm, "I think she broke my shoulder." Dae whined in pain.

Sneha was about to punch him again but Q sat in between them, "Stop being such a baby!"

"What are you two hitting each other for?" Q asked.

"I don't remember." they muttered in unison.

Minho and Kitty were done with cooking... Well the food was majorly made by Minho and Kitty had given her contributions by making her apparent world famous mashed potatoes.

"Why'd you bring us food? You want something... No! You want our help!" Minho concluded.

Q looked at her, "do we need to bring our shovels?"

"Who did you murder?" Dae whispered, "we knew it was about time. You're like a ticking time bomb." Minho nodded.

Sneha looked at her friends with disbelief, "is that what you idiots think of me? Maybe I'll murder all of you, not you Kitty." she grinned at her new friend.

Dae laughed and the rest of the boys joining in, "So..." Dae started. "Well here's the thing." Sneha stated, "I have to stay here for two days. I can sleep on the couch!"

"Why?" Minho asked.

"Well... Pim and I were using the hair curler that her sister got her, but we had a lot of electronic appliances going on... Now there's a power cut, and there's no electricity for two days... It's so hot there, if it's not hot... it's cold." she explained.

Dae nodded, "you don't have to bribe us with pizza, you know that right?"

She shrugged, "I don't want to take more space. You guys are fully booked." she joked.

Minho kicked her uninjured leg gently gaining her attention, and gave her a small smile.

Maybe it was their thing.

The nudging each other and the reassuring smiles. It was as if they knew when the other felt out of place, or sad. That little nudge reassuring them to keep going.

Were they people who had things with each other? Things for each other?

Why was it always them who found comfort with only each other?

Maybe they did have a lot of things to think about. 

"Where is Pim going to stay?" Q asked.

"Her boyfriend probably, or the girls she's friends with."

Q nodded as he opened the pizza, "Not again!" he groaned. "What's wrong?" Kitty asked. Making Q look at Sneha in disbelief, "What kind of a monster likes pineapple on pizza?"

"I do." Sneha and Minho coursed in unison.

The group talked, laughed. It had been a while since they all sat together.

It was fun.

"You guys have to get ready for Chuseok, and I have to go home!" Dae reminded.


short chapter lol

what do you think of the story?

𝘐𝘕𝘝𝘐𝘚𝘐𝘉𝘓𝘌 𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎 | 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗼 (𝘅𝗼, 𝗸𝗶𝘁𝘁𝘆) ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin