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𝟩. 𝖳𝖨𝖫 

part one

Kitty jumped out of her bed, trying to find Q and Sneha tell them about her dream she had.

She ran out to the living room, finding Q asleep on the couch, Sneha and Minho on the ground, airpods on the ground, heads rested on the table.

Kitty slowly went to Q shaking him awake, not really wanting to ruin the moment Sneha and Minho were having. "Q! I have something to tell you." she told him.

Minho who was a light sleeper, shook awake instead of the hungover boy, "this is too early for this." he muttered as he began getting up.

His eyes softened at the sight of Sneha. He bent down to pick up the airpods and put them back into their case, and went to the fridge.

"Get up!" Kitty shouted, at both of them, trying to get them to analyze what her dream meant

"Q!" Minho shouted, "Did you drink my collagen water?"

"What the heck? Why is the world moving?" Sneha woke up turning to face Kitty and Q.

Q groaned in response to what Minho asked him.

Minho faced Kitty, "Or was it you?"

"What? No." Kitty was quick to deny, "why do you think it's me? What if Sneha drank it?"

Minho shook his head, "Sneha would never do that. She is a nice person." he said looking at Sneha who was too busy trying to get the room to stop shaking, Q had an unreadable expression on his face, making Minho repeat himself, "My collagen water is meant to keep my skin dewy. Not rehydrate people who can't handle their liquor."

Q covered his ears and tried to push the pillow into his face, "My God, why are you screaming? It's the middle of the night and I'm still drunk."

Minho shook his head, "No, it's not. It's 8 in the morning. And thanks to some idiot, my party dynasty has come to an untimely end, so, yeah, I am in a mood." he spat.

"Are you in a mood to make me coffee?" Q asked, kindly, "Us." Sneha corrected.

"Yes, but I will deeply resent you." He told Q, "Not you." he stated quickly looking at Sneha.

"I can live with that." Q shrugged as he turned to get more comfortable.

Kitty turned around giving Q and Sneha looks, "Okay, you two, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, I drank his collagen water." Q admitted as he shushed himself.

Kitty shook her head, "Not that."

"Then no, I'm too tired for your questions. You kept me up all night." Q simply stated, "I could hear you through the wall." he told her.

"What? Why couldn't I?"

"I was loud? How?" Kitty asked, not answering Sneha's question, "Was I talking in my sleep? Because people say all kinds of crazy things in their sleep. Like this one time, I asked LJ to make me a BLT with mayo, but I hate mayo."

Q stopped her, "No, no, you were not talking. You were snoring."

Kitty quickly explained herself, "Because I was drunk and drunk people do tons of things they don't normally do, like snore. And have really weird dreams."

As if it was scripted, Q and Sneha lost all tiredness, and sat up straight in sync.

Sneha's eyes widened, "Oh my God, sex dream?" Q continued, "You had a sex dream. Was it about Dae?" 

"No." Kitty answered.

"Oh, not Dae." Q noted, "Who else could it be?" Sneha thought.

"No. I didn't say that I had a sex dream." Kitty stated.

Sneha shrugged, "But isn't that kind of obvious?" Q nodded, "You didn't have to. Spill."

"It doesn't even matter, dreams don't mean anything." Kitty defended herself.

"She's right. They don't mean anything. You can have a sex dream about someone you're repulsed by in real life. Or just thought of in a sociable way... It doesn't have to mean that you fancy them." Minho backed Kitty up.

Kitty raised her hands, "Yes, exactly. Thank you, Minho. Minho could have a sex dream about, like, me."

Sneha coughed, and quickly laughed as she tried to cover a shock.

"Did you had a sex dream about Kitty?" Q asked.

Minho shook his head, clearly repulsed by the thought, "No!"

"But you did have a sex dream about someone!" Q noted.

"-Oh, my God." Minho groaned.

"I'm not hearing a denial." Q concluded.

Minho shook his head, "It doesn't matter, dreams don't mean anything. It wasn't even a sex dream." he muttered.

"Exactly, I hate mayo."

"And I hate Kitty!"

"Thank you." Kitty's voice squeaked.

"Weird dreams mean something." Sneha stated.

"Yes they do." Q agreed.


𝘐𝘕𝘝𝘐𝘚𝘐𝘉𝘓𝘌 𝘚𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎 | 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗼 (𝘅𝗼, 𝗸𝗶𝘁𝘁𝘆) ✔Where stories live. Discover now