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part two

"YOU'LL GET US ALL SUSPENDED IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP." Minho whispered as he dragged Sneha back to the boys dorm.

Sneha was half sober, but that wasn't stopping her from conversing rather loudly with Minho, "but I was just trying to talk to you."

Drunk Sneha is more sensitive compared to Sober Sneha. He made a mental note to himself.

"I'm sorry, but we can get suspended if someone hears you." he told her calmly as he opened the dorm door.

Sneha was about to sit on the couch when she saw Q who was drunk as a skunk fast asleep on the couch. "Sleep on Q's bed today." Minho told as he let out a tired yawn.

Sneha went to the kitchen, trying find something to eat. "Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Kinda." she said as she found a bowl for her rice.

"Are you planning to eat just rice?" he asked.

The girl shook her head, "that would be too bland, don't you think? Where's the yogurt?"

Minho looked at her weirdly as he opened the fridge door handing the girl yogurt, "here."

"Don't give me that look." she told him as she put a few spoons of yogurt on her bowl and mixed it with some salt.

Minho had a small smile on his face, "What look?"

"That look! The look which says, what the heck are you eating. Look." she explained.

Minho was quick to defend himself, "I don't have that look."

Sneha nodded, "yes you do. You should try it." she encouraged as she gave him a new spoon, "try it and then give me the look."

"I don't have any looks, but fine. he gave in and tasted the curd rice.

His eyes widened, "why is that so good?"

Sneha smiled brightly at him, "see! I told you!" she continued to eat, "it's like a bowl of comfort."


"I CAN'T SLEEP. KITTY KEEPS TOSSING AND TURNING LOUDLY!" Minho groaned as he leaned against the kitchen counter, "who asked you to sleep on the same bed as her?" he asked.

Sneha shook her head, "I wasn't sleep-- Not the point, it's so loud, I can't sleep."

"I was sleepy!" he rolled his eyes.

Sneha sighed as she sat on smaller couch, "go to sleep then."

"And what will you do?"

Sneha pulled her airpods out, "Sssspotify."

Min ho looked at Sneha for a second before sitting on the ground snatching one of her airpods, wiping it before putting it on, "you better play some good music."

"Don't you want your beauty sleep? You say it yourself, it isn't easy to achieve all that." she joked as she sat on the ground facing him.

Min ho leaned against the couch, resting his head, "do you want me here or not."

"Here." she stated quickly as she browsed her playlist, "Min ho?" she called out, making the boy hum in response, "you know you're like the perfect blend of the Minho's I know." she told him.

"Oh yeah?" he asked, his face held his classic amused reaction, which he had every time he was around Sneha.

Sneha nodded, "you're like the sassy bitch vibes, that Minho from maze runner gives out, and you have the classy poised nature that Lee Minho has. Know what I mean?"

"Did you just call me a sassy bitch?" the pair kept whispering back and forth.

"That's not the point. I gave you a compliment, just take it. Maze runner Minho is everything. He's perfect. I love him. Take the compliment." she told him.

"Thank you for the compliment Sneha M Agarwal, I am flattered."

She laughed slowly, "As you should be." she stated as she finally picked a song, Don't go breaking my heart, Elton John Kiki Dee

Sneha held her phone as an imaginary microphone as she lip synced. She didn't want to wake Q up, "Don't go breaking my heart."

Min ho shook his head, but the look on Sneha's face made him recite Kiki's lines, "I couldn't if I tried."

"Oh honey if I get restless."

"Bab--" Min ho stopped, "I want to do Elton's lines."

"Do you remember his lines? You made me do all his lines last time!" she reminded.



shoutout to moe_ricey cause we share the same
brain for picking don't go breaking my heart😂

check out her stuff! stay tuned for EAT which is a min ho fic. if you guys are interested in glee, read healing <3 she's amazing and ily.


It was about three in the morning, the pair kept switching songs back and forth, it was Minho's turn.

Both of them were half asleep, Minho played Something Stupid, Nicole Kidman and Robbie Williams.

The pair slowly began dozing off, Minho listened to the lyrics, the feelings he had suppressed came rushing back.

I know I stand in line
Until you think you have the time
To spend an evening with me

And if we go someplace to dance
I know that there's a chance
You won't be leaving with me

Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
And have a drink or two
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid

Like I love you

I love you
I love you

"I love you."


minho dw
i hope things will work out
if it was in my hands
i would make sure
you and sneha would be happily ever after

oh wait, it is.

me doing a lot of writing at 2am is a normal thing at this point

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