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part three

THE WELL CRAFTED PLAN BY KITTY WITH SOME ONE SNEHA'S ASSISTANCE WAS IN ACTION. It was plan 'get Q and Florian together asap.' Well they're still working on the name.

They were in a community room, watching a movie. Sneha and Pim were sitting on chairs, so that Florian and Q could converse privately.

Q seemed excited.

The movie was playing when Minho walked into the room, offering Sneha a wave. "Hey, my mom is in this. She plays the king's second daughter."

"Really?" Florian asked, "does she still act?" 

Minho nodded, "oh yeah, she's absolutely smashing it right now in L.A. She's up for a role as a mermaid in the mafia." he stated as he began sitting down next to Florian.

Q was glaring at the boy, but he was too invested in gushing about his mother to even realise.

"I'd watch that." a boy stated referring to the mermaid mafia movie.

"Scooch over." he told Q and Florian. Sneha sighed, "Minho why don't you sit with us?" she offered.

Minho shook his head, "there's plenty of space here, right guys?"

Q held the glare and nodded. "Oh, I could give you guys behind the scenes dirt on this." Minho told them.

"Minho--" Sneha tried to stop but Florian cut her off, "Okay, I love dirt."

Pim looked back and forth, "Q looks like a sad puppy." she whispered to Sneha.

They somehow stayed silent for a good ten minutes, when "It took that guy 20 takes to nail that." Minho informed, "Cool." Florian nodded.

Minho saw his mom on the screen, "Oh, hey, look! It's my mom!" he smiled.

"Oh, wow." said Florian. 

"Dude, she's gorgeous."

"I know. Thank God I got her bone structure." Minho said.

"Didn't your mom and dad have that messy divorce?" some guy in the room asked.

Sneha flinched, "The whole mess was exaggerated to see magazines." he stated nonchalantly but of course it still hurt, "but yeah, they did get divorced."

Sneha nudged him, offering him a small smile, which he gladly returned.

Florian looked at him, knowing what he was going through, "yeah, my parents are going through it right now..." Minho and Florian nodded at each other, "it's just-- I can't concentrate on anything. Like, it's really, really sad."

Q looked at him, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were going through that." 

"Yeah." Florian whispered.

And their moment was ruined yet again, when Minho patted his shoulder, "see that guy? Total douchebag in real life." he said as he pointed at the screen. "My mom couldn't wait to stab him to death in the finale."

Everyone in the room groaned.

"Spoiler alert!"

Florian sighed, "Great, now we know how it ends." he sat up straight and began to leave, "I should be studying in the library right now, anyways."

Q tried to say something but Florian spoke up, "my parents can be pretty hard about grades." he looked at Q, "Thank you for the show."

Q and Sneha hit Minho at the same time, "Ow!"

"Q?" Florian called out, "Maybe just me and you next time?" he asked.

Q smiled and nodded.

"EEEP!" Sneha squealed as she got up from the chair to sit between Q and Minho, "Hey, even if this idiot ruined it, it still worked!"

"What did I ruin?" Minho whined as he protected his hands from Sneha in case she would hit him again.


MINHO AND DAE WERE RECONCILING, Q WAS IN HIS ROOM AND SNEHA WAS ASLEEP ON THE COUCH. When Kitty barged in, "8 minutes until curfew!" she shouted as she went to Q's room.

Minho shook the girl next to him, waking her up, "What? Who died?"

"You've gotta stop doing that!" Minho told her, "curfew! You have to go to your room!"

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" she stood up quickly, but realised her leg was still sprained, "Shit! Shit! Shit!" she repeated.

Minho stood up, "come, I'll walk with you."

"It's okay I can go."

"No." he insisted, "you can hardly walk, just--"



who watched the ipl finale?

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