2| Interesting Feelings

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ZACK Black was a strange guy. He'd barely said a word except on one occasion during their informal tour when he asked a question.

Earlier, upon hearing that their art teacher, Mr. Will, was absent, and the class had become a free period, she had turned it into an impromptu tour for Zack.

She'd given him an explanation of how the school worked and a brief history of everything and anything while he'd kept his eyes on her throughout. His stare made her assume he had a question about something she said and would answer, but his face would remain the same, not giving away anything. When he finally asked a question, she wasn't prepared.

"Are you always this cheerful?"

The question had stuck with her, even now, as they headed to their lockers to prepare for the second class of the day. There was nothing wrong with the question. It was the way he asked, with some underlying insinuation that she wasn't who she portrayed herself to be.

They weren't having the same class until after lunch, so they agreed she would meet him and they would head to lunch together. But before the second class, they headed to their lockers, where she met Elowen and Kara.

Kara straightened up when they arrived, even though no one could see her leaning on a locker.

Elowen raised her hand to wave at Karyn but made a show of fixing her hair when she spotted Zack.

"He is hot," her sister whooped, not bothering to whisper. At the statement, Zack's eyes flickered to where Kara stood. The sisters noticed this.

"He didn't hear that right," Kara said, but Karyn couldn't respond. There were a bunch of stickers on the said locker. Anything could have caught his eye.

"Elowen, meet Zack, one of the new students. Zack, meet Elowen, my bestie."

"Welcome to Emerfield High, where teachers would discourage you and your peers would skin you alive at any chance. But don't worry, it's healthy competition they say."

"That's one heck of a description," Zack stated.

"That's all you need to know," Elowen said before she smirked and added, "What universe did you fall from because I have not seen such handsomeness in my seventeen years of living?"

"Weren't those the exact words you said about the doctor?" Karyn asked as she opened her locker.

"Those weren't the words," Elowen scoffed, and Karyn raised a brow in question. "I was sixteen then, so that would have been sixteen years of living," her best friend countered, but went on.

"If he..." Elowen gestured to Zack. "...is young and this good-looking now, how much more when he gets older? I can only imagine," she sighed before she fanned herself with the light notebook in her hands.

"Thank you for the flattery," Zack said.

"And a gentleman too. Phew. Oh, you're most welcome, Zack. It is flattery, but it is truth," she said in a faux British accent. In her normal voice, she asked, "Did you spend the whole first period touring?"

"Mr. Will didn't come, so yeah, we did."

Elowen wiggled her brows at Karyn before turning to Zack. "She gives her all in everything she does, even if it's as little as taping a torn page. She'll make a great guide."

It was only after they had directed Zack to his next class that the best friends headed to theirs.

WHEN it was lunchtime, she headed to her locker, as they had planned, and found Zack in the position he was in earlier, leaning on a wall with a small scowl. Just as she neared him, Luke stepped into her line of sight.

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