Living By A Code

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"Some ride you got," Coop said

"You're here," Spencer said

"Damn right, I'm here," Coop said

"So, what happened with that thing you had to take care of tonight? Getting Shawn from out under the gang and all?" Spencer asked

"Some things, hmm, just don't work out as you had planned. What's up with you and your girl, though? How'd that work out?" Coop asked

"Like you said. Some things don't work out like we plan. Hell of a night, right?" Spencer said

"You're telling me," Coop said

"You sure you're good?" Spencer asked

"As good as it gets," Coop said as Spencer sat down next to her.

"I want better for you, Coop. You're my people. All right? You're family to me. I'm not ever gonna leave you behind. No matter what." Spencer said

"I know you won't," Coop said

—-The Next Day—-

"Oh, that boy's a mess," Dillion said

"Tell me about it," Spencer said showing Dillion and Madison the video of what Asher said on stage at the homecoming dance.

"Tell your best friend how we had sex way before Spencer showed up on the scene. Tell her! Go ahead!" Asher said in the video.

"How many times y'all gonna watch that damn video? Enough." Grace said taking Spencer's phone out of his hand.

"Come on! Mom, it's epic." Dillion said and Grace gave him a look and he just stopped.

"It's messy that's what it is," Madison said

"What's wrong, baby?" Grace asked Spencer

"It's my fault," Spencer said

"Your fault?" Grace said

"Look, if I never left south Crenshaw, never upped and moved to Beverly Hills, none of this mess would've happened," Spencer said

"How is that exactly?" Grace asked

"Spence stop acting like a victim he cheated on her first that was going to get out either way and if you could take his girl just like that then they must have already had problems going on," Madison said

"And what about Coop if I'd have stayed, Coop wouldn't be caught up with Shawn and a bunch of gangbangers." Spencer said

"That was probably going to happen anyway that girl is not the type to give up on a friendship even if it's bad," Madison said

"How about Jordan and coach they wouldn't be struggling to connect all the time, and Asher wouldn't be benched for homecoming," Spencer said

"And he'd still have a girlfriend," Dillion said

"Thanks for the input, little man," Spencer said

"Just calling it how I see it," Dillion said

"Asher brought that on his damn self he cheated that was going to come out anyway and worse part is he cheated with the coach's daughter he told the whole school after his girl broke up with him," Madison said

"You cannot take the blame for other people's choices," Grace said

"I made a lot of bad choices in my life, and I own them. They don't belong to nobody else. But this choice going to Beverly You made the right decision for you, for your future. That's all any one of us can control. Right, baby?" Grace said and Spencer just nodded.

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