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The gunshot sounded so loud from outside the Kondo building.
People even stopped walking to make sure their ears weren't mishearing.
One of them was Pupha, who had come late to ensure that the children did what Tian had assigned.
His footsteps were quick, filled with anxiety by the sound of gunshots that nobody knew who had fired.
Mangkorn? Akk? Or maybe it was Ayyan?
Pupha took out his pistol that he had hidden under his jacket, one by one he passed the stairs still with anxiety overcoming him.
Then, his footsteps slowed as he saw Mangkorn's back with the gun in his hand.


When Mangkorn turned his head, he had already received a kick to the chest from Pupha. Not even given the chance to get back up, Pupha stomped on his chest to keep him in position, Mangkorn's gun was knocked away from his side.

Tuaphu was Mangkorn's target, he came with an appearance that Akk recognized as his stalker.
His friend (enemy) was now lying on the floor with blood staining his front clothes, not very visible because the fresh blood was covered by his thick black clothes.
Tuaphu was not dead, perhaps dying? Mangkorn's mistake in failing to target the heart made it likely that Tuaphu could still be saved.

Akk knew that Tuaphu would eventually come out as the perpetrator of the attack.
But he didn't expect his friend to die right in front of his eyes like this.
Unfortunately, Mangkorn was not raised with compassion nor the fact that Tuaphu's existence endangered his master. He acted on his guardian instinct...
Just as Akk was about to approach Tuaphu, the siren of a police car sounded loudly from outside.
Akk immediately went to the window in the hallway.


"There are children in there!"

Akk immediately backed away from the window when he saw that the situation outside was so crowded, especially now that his face had many bruises.
People probably called the police as soon as they heard Mangkorn's gunshot, and now Pupha looked panicked because they were reluctant to involve the police in the first place.

"Pupha," Ayyan called out, and he began to panic, even letting his gun drop to the floor.

"Go hide, I'll take care of this whole mess."

Including Mangkorn, Pupha helped him to stand up and asked him to take Ayyan and Akk to the top floor of this building.

"Akk." Ayyan pulled on Akk's arm who was still frozen in place, staring at Tuaphu who was struggling with the pain.

"We should go," Ayyan continued.

But Akk did not take Ayyan's invitation well. He brushed off Ayyan's hand quite forcefully, then his footsteps approached Tuaphu.
But before he could squat down to check on his friend, Mangkorn, who was about to run with Ayyan, tugged on Akk's shirt collar.

"Think properly, Akk!"

"Akk!" Now it was Pupha who called out to him in a loud voice, snapping him out of his disbelief that Tuaphu had really come as his enemy.

"The police are here, you're surrounded!"

With no other choice, Mangkorn told Ayyan to run up the stairs first, while he would pull Akk to follow behind him.

The top floor was not easy to reach, so Mangkorn decided to break into one of the Kondos that was still empty of occupants.
But he didn't have much strength after fighting so fiercely with several people, and Ayyan too, was in a panic, making them both a little hasty in their actions.
Just as Ayyan was about to throw one more kick at the door, Akk suddenly pulled him back.
It took Akk three powerful kicks at the door for it to finally open.
After that, Akk then pulled Ayyan's arm to go inside followed by Mangkorn who Akk almost left outside Kondo.

Personal Bodyguards -season II- ENDINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora