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.Happy reading!!

A tavern? Akk saw this tavern as more of a nightclub.
There were five people at this table, and now it was seven after his arrival with Ayyan.
They were all seniors and campus organizers, and this was the umpteenth meeting.

"My name is Day, what's yours?"

Akk welcomed Day's hand in a friendly manner. "I'm Akk."

After that, Day then offered a glass of drink but was immediately politely refused by Akk.
Day smiled a little and then mentioned that he actually knew that Akk would reject his offer, he was just being polite.

"That's because Aye when drunk is so incredibly troublesome, his friends have to be on standby."

"But I like to drink," Ayyan said, not offended by Day's remark. It showed that the two were quite close.

"You're bad with alcohol?" Akk asked.

"I'll probably throw up on your shirt," Ayyan replied.


Really bad, not 30 minutes into this pointless meeting Ayyan was already drunk.
Akk noticed how Ayyan had lost consciousness since the second glass, then it got worse in the third and fourth glasses.
It was an unpleasant sight for Akk, especially seeing those seniors actually enjoying how Ayyan became more active in speaking and acting while drunk.

"Aye, you're amazing." Especially Day, he enjoyed it the most.

"Me? Of course I am." Ayyan replied in a slightly unclear voice.

Akk then noticed Day refilling Ayyan's empty glass with Alcohol, then immediately Akk restrained Day who was about to give the glass to Ayyan.

"He's already drunk enough, phi."

"So what, he is," Day said with a smile and then heeded Akk's order.

"I said enough." Akk held Day's hand again, even grabbing the glass and setting it down on the table quite loudly, enough to get everyone's attention.

Akk couldn't take it anymore, he then pulled Ayyan's hand to invite him to go home. But the young master refused, he blocked Akk's hand and was about to drink the drink that Day had poured.
Akk was even more annoyed, so he grabbed Ayyan's arm more roughly, making the glass Ayyan was holding end up falling to the floor and breaking.
Day who saw Akk's attitude like that was of course also annoyed, he also got up and pulled Ayyan's hand which of course Akk did not let go.

"What's your problem?" Asked Day in a high voice.

"Right, what's your problem?" Ayyan asked Akk in a hoarse, drunken voice.

Akk wanted to punch Day in the face right now, but that would definitely complicate Ayyan's life here.
So he decided to humbly apologize to Day and the other seniors, he had to get Ayyan out of here as soon as possible.


"What are you doing?"

"Akk! What are you doing, you pervert!" Ayyan raised his voice again, louder.

Akk continued his activity of unbuttoning each button of Ayyan's shirt, it was wet. If Ayyan refused to shower at least he should sleep in new clothes.
Akk was sure that the first time Ayyan was made drunk by Tonhon, his young master was strong enough to withstand the bitter liquid.
Knowing this, he just forbade Ayyan to drink.

After all the buttons of his shirt were undone, Ayyan suddenly pulled the collar of Akk's shirt until the bodyguard fell onto the bed, then he held Akk down on the bed with his body.
In fact, both of Akk's hands were held by Ayyan.

Personal Bodyguards -season II- ENDINGWhere stories live. Discover now