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"Since you worked so hard at the ospek event last Sunday, we as seniors would like to say thank you, and to celebrate the success we have gotten permission to go on a vacation to Phuket!"

The cheers of the freshmen didn't manage to make Akk flinch.
Ayyan and Mangkorn were there, what if they met? far as Akk knew, Ayyan's house was in a popular tourist destination in Phuket, he probably saw new faces of visitors almost every day.

"Phi, when are we leaving?" Ben asked the question. Incidentally, Phuket is his home! He's in Bangkok living in a college dorm.

"Tomorrow, come early everyone!"

After the seniors had left the classroom, Ben went back to pestering Akk, who looked uninspired.
He said he would take Akk on a tour of his hometown. Akk just smiled and nodded.

"You're so excited, Ben."

"Of course, it's like I'm getting a free ride home."


'You're going to Phuket?'

Akk sighed while still busy using the boxing cloth, he also practiced boxing after being in Bangkok, the red bag was Pupha's replacement to fight with when he was angry.

"I'm not leaving it seems. Is there anything I can do in Chiangmai?" Before beating the bag, Akk first warmed up.

'Nothing, I told you not to interfere first for one month.
You're a new student, Akk.'

"I'm a smart kid, I've been trained to split my focus since high school." A punch was thrown, then a kick and another punch. It went on like that, Akk did it relentlessly even though Pupha kept calling out to him on the other side.

'Until when are you going to avoid Ayyan and Mangkorn?

'If you're still thinking about Tuaphu's problem, you'll never get an answer because there's no one to blame.'

Hearing that Akk stopped what he was doing, his breathing quickened and then one more powerful kick knocked over the bag that he felt had been hung up quite firmly.
Akk was getting more and more annoyed, especially now that Pupha kept giving advice.

'Do you no longer want to love Ayyan?'

Of course not, the circumstances that kept the two apart.
Mangkorn had just returned home after buying breakfast porridge for his master, as well as for himself.
Ayyan was ready in his white shirt and black jeans, whereas earlier before Mangkorn left Ayyan was still struggling with the blanket.

"Are you really going to the college?" asked Mangkorn.

"Just a minute, Aye." Mangkorn stopped his hand that was transferring the porridge into a bowl and went closer to Ayyan's face.

"There's a blue rash on the side of your lip, when did that bastard hit you?" He asked again, not realizing that Ayyan was currently holding his breath and nervousness. Damn, since when did Mangkorn change his perfume type. It smelled better and pierced Ayyan's nose.

"Do I need to apply more ointment?"


The two looked at each other.


"Don't be crazy, if that ointment is eaten by me along with this porridge. Then, Tian will kill you for trying to poison me." After that, Ayyan pushed Mangkorn away and took over Mangkorn's duties, pouring the porridge into his bowl.

Mangkorn knew that Ayyan had feelings for him, he knew his charms. So well.

"I got word from Pupha that Akk is going to Phuket today."

Personal Bodyguards -season II- ENDINGWhere stories live. Discover now