𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕟𝕖

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I already liked this chapter as is so there weren't any drastic changes

*spanish in italics*

I lay in the silence-filled room, with no noise other than the sounds of my rhythmic breathing. It had been a few months since I was forced to move in with Pacho because in his words I 'needed all the protection I could get'. That sure was rich coming from the actual drug lord of us two.

"Marina" Speaking of said drug lord, here he was sitting beside me in the bed. Shocked he would do such a thing that could wrinkle his precious silk. "We have guests"

"You have guests. I'm staying here"  I speak through gritted teeth, turning away from Pacho's gaze and out to the beautiful view from the balcony. What made Pacho think I would have any pleasure going downstairs to make small talk with his stupid associates who found cheating on their wives and showing off their money fun, or at least ego-boosting activities?

"They want to see you"

"They want to see me or sit me in their lap like they always do because they think I'm an object for them?" I groan, wanting nothing to do with this petty fight, so I simply left for the balcony to see the view I couldn't take my eyes off of. It was one of the only good things about this glorified prison. "I'm staying up here"

"Please, Marina. Come downstairs and then... I'll let you go out for the day tomorrow" I couldn't help but give in to the smile that crept its way onto my face. It felt stupid finding such excitement for what was merely a compromise to keep me happy for a short period of time, but given the state, I was in here with Pacho, I would take any sort of happiness I could get. 

"Promise? Because I cannot handle the toxic masculinity in this house anymore"

"It's a promise. But Navegante will go with you"

"You will too" I demand, turning to face Pacho as he joined me on the balcony. We both went back to keeping our attention fixated on the view, the beautiful trees, the clear skies, and some of our guards sure made for a nice view. What? I'm only human. And with someone like Pacho watching over me, settling down was out of the question.

As much as I would love to find someone who could deal with my family's business and someone who could get on Pacho's good side, I knew there was hardly any chance of that. So one of my only ways out of Cali and back to what I aspired to do was completely out of the question. 

"I'm busy. I have meetings"

"Blow them off, Pacho," I whine, gripping Pachos shoulders with as much force as I could. I needed to get this through his thick skull, but it was nearly impossible when I was dealing with a man like Pacho. "We haven't just had a day to ourselves in...years really. I mean with me busy at the hospital and you dealing with your...business it hardly leaves time to just go out with my favourite cousin"

"I'll go to two meetings then we can leave. Deal?"

"Deal!" I wrap my arms around Pacho tightly, my head buried in his chest. Though Pacho was my cousin, over the years he became more of a brother to me. I couldn't ask for a better person to watch over me, even if I hated what he did for business. "We're going to Bogotá. Just so you're aware"

"They have checkpoints. We'll be stopped and who knows what'll happen"

"Well, we can use backways or find some other way to get there. It'll be fine" I turn back into my room, opening my bedroom door for Pacho to leave as I didn't want to listen to any more excuses. "Now, time to get myself all dolled up for those men downstairs to objectify me!"

𝐌𝐘 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 // 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘩𝘺Where stories live. Discover now