𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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"Marina!" Mia rushed over to me, completely discarding the fact that she nearly knocked two people over on her way to the door of the cafe.

"Mia, hi. Let's go sit" I usher her over to the table which she rushed over from, taking a seat across from her. "Sorry I haven't been down to visit as often"

"Oh, no worries. I get that you're busy with the whole...you know...and I get to see you when you do visits like this so it's fine!" Mia was one of the best people in my life.

She was understating, kind, and quite the optimist which wasn't something you found often in a place like Colombia.

"Mm, well how've you been? It's been a couple of months since I last saw you"

"Well other than that atrocious dating life of mine, I've been really good! I got that job I wanted and the perks are amazing. What about you, how's the job going?"

"Well I mean it's okay I guess. Kind of sucks working at a private hospital, it's like every patient I deal with thinks they're above everyone else"

Moving in with Pacho meant getting a new job. I had been working at an amazing hospital with even better people, but now thanks to Pacho's high standards for where I should work I wasn't even working as a pediatrician but it sure as hell felt like it with the giant man babies I was handling almost every day.

And while I also enjoyed having a lot of time off and making my own hours, I missed those nights at the hospital with friends where we could pretend it was a stupid teenage sleepover and actually working with kids like I studied and hoped to do.

"Well you know, my work has some openings. Pediatric wing so it'd be perfect for you!"


"Of course! I mean sure it's not the best hospital in Colombia and it's mostly locals and such that can't really afford private hospitals but the community is really amazing, Marina. You would like it and an amazing perk is getting to work with me!"

"Wow... maybe I should move out here" As stupid as it sounded, wanting to try and convince Pacho to finally let me out of that heavily guarded hell hole and move back out to Bogotá this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to be with people I knew, doing the things I loved and not being confined to my room like I was some kind of prisoner.

"You totally should! If you do we could end up being roommates like we were back in residency"

I had first met Mia back when I first started med school. Mia was one of the only other exchange students in the program with me who spoke Spanish, so we obviously grew close. Down to our courses and residency, we always stuck by each other's side and that never changed even when we got back to Colombia.

That was until Pacho made me pack up with no explanation, only going back to contact with Mia after five months after officially going MIA.

"Wow I'll definitely look into it"

"So, life updates. Any hot guys for you yet?" Mia wore a smug smirk, taking a long sip from her coffee.

"Ha! No one is other than the hot eye candy my cousin hires for security. What about you... any new girls?" I kept my voice hushed, making sure no one else heard. I couldn't risk anything happening to Mia.

Fact about Mia; she was a somewhat closeted lesbian. She told almost everyone in her family and I, but anyone else was just another cause for concern that something or someone could do something to her. I guess I found myself needing to protect her, just as I did with Pacho. The two were somewhat similar, minus the drug ring of course.

𝐌𝐘 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 // 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘩𝘺Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora