𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕚𝕩 *NSFW*

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"Steve?" I wait patiently for an answer, fidgeting with the cord of the phone.

It had only been a couple of hours since coming back from what I feel was the best interview I've ever done. I just hoped it would all work out and spend some more time out here with Mia. And Steve, even if that relationship is merely nothing more than seeing how it goes for now.

"Hey, Marina. I got your number"

"Ah, was it in the little database thingy you guys have like I said?"

"...Maybe" I couldn't help but laugh, relaxing on the couch of Pachos Bogotá vacation house. He had one in almost every single square foot in Colombia, but I also opted for a smaller, cozier place over a mansion when I was travelling.

"Well, you still called which was a very nice gesture. Most guys I leave the bar with sneak out in the morning. So, you still at work?" The only thing I knew about Steve's job was that he worked in an American Embassy with Agent Pena. I also knew that ever dropping in to say hello to him as a friend would just be a horrible decision on my part.

"Yeah, but I'm just finishing up"

"Then, how about we meet up tonight? I can come back to your place...or you know I have an entire house to myself. We could spend the night together, just us" I smirk at the idea, already planning out everything I would need to do to make this place fit the mood.

"...I-I'll be there soon" My cheeks flushed at this nervousness, finding such a thing made him even more attractive. After being stuck with absolute assholes who didn't care about how I felt or who I was as a human being, and don't even get me started on the gold-digging wives I was forced to hang out with, it felt nice and refreshing to have someone so different.

It was almost as if Steve was my escape. Even if we were still just trying this 'relationship' thing out and hadn't known each other long, I felt a connection. Though I would never admit something so serious so early on.

"Perfect! My place is right by the embassy, I'll come meet you outside" Before Steve could give a reply, I hung up the call and made my way over to the kitchen. I had decided to make a nice dinner and pull out Pacho's nice wine on the possible whim that Steve would agree on coming over.

With one last check of my dress in the mirror, making sure it hugged my curves everywhere it needed to, I headed outside to wait for Steve.

I didn't know what tonight would end with, maybe us in bed or just talking together until he eventually left, but I knew I needed redemption from our previous night together.

I was already in a good mood after my interview, and maybe I did want this night to end with us in bed, but only time could tell in such a situation. Steve, though only supposed to be my gateway into dating, was someone I found myself wanting to only spend every waking minute with. Something about him always seemed to pull me in, wanting to know more.

"Marina!" I shake my thoughts away, getting up from the front porch stairs and heading over to engulf Steve in a tight hug. His warmth was just what I needed after what was surprisingly a tiring day.

After my interview, I came back to Pachos Bogota's house to find nothing here, no food, no nothing. Simply dusty furniture and outdated decorations. I of course could not deal with such a thing and headed out to a nearby grocery store to stock up and make some dinner. Sure everything would still need some fixing up given that this was one of the least used travel houses from Pachos collection, but it would make for a great new house if I get the job I wanted.

"Hi, Steve. Let's go in, I made some dinner" I lead Steve inside, our hands intertwined. I felt...nervous? I mean I didn't know why, it was simply a dinner and we hadn't even used a relationship label yet, but here I was, worrying about how I looked and trying my best to impress Steve.

𝐌𝐘 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 // 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘩𝘺Where stories live. Discover now