𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣

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*Bold and Italics are for third-person scenes where Marina isn't included*

"So this is your place?" I walk alongside Steve in the parking structure underneath the small apartment complex in which he was staying in. It was like every other apartment you'd find in Bogota; small yet felt comfortable or nostalgic in a way. Though that could be the native Colombian in me talking.

"Yeah. My place in on the top floor" Once Steve unlocked the door I was met with the smell of a burning cigarette. I couldn't help but cringe, coughing from the fumes.

"Well... it looks nice" I wasn't lying to him. These floors were covered in blue tiles, the design on each only seeming more intricint and well done with every glance I took at them. Though there were hardly any decorations in the hallways, some lone plants were hung and surprisingly well taken care of. "I guess coming down here for the DEA has its perks, hm?"

Just as Steve and I were about to head upstairs, the door down the hall opened to reveal the brown haired DEA partner that was questioning me earlier. Agent Pena.

"Head upstairs, I'll be up in a second" Steve reassured, leaving for Agent Penas door. I could sense tension in the air, though by the way I was getting glared at I'm sure I was the cause. Well fuck me.


"Brining Marina home? We were just supposed to be questioning her not picking her up at a bar" The tension between both agents could be cut with a knife.

Seeing Marina in the bar was merely a coincidence on Steve's part, and bringing her back home? Well, he thought it'd be a long shot she'd even agree to it.

"It's not like she has anything to do with her cousin's work. She's a nurse, not some drug kingpin" Though only having known the girl for a few hours, Steve was quick to come to her defence. He found himself trusting her every word, and though it may have been dumb to trust her as much as he did, he didn't care.

"And how would you know that? You've known her all of what? Five hours"

"I don't need advice from a guy who sleeps with every girl that comes his way"  With that Steve left Javier at his door, heading back upstairs to something he didn't even know if he was ready for anymore.

I sat in the silence-filled room, fighting the urge to just put my jacket back on and head out. I didn't know what was taking Steve so long and my patience was wearing thin. Maybe he had some whiskey I could pour to pass the time.

With not even a minute's search in his cupboards I had already found a glass and half drunken bottle of whiskey. Just what I needed to get this stress away.

"Hey," Steve walked through the apartment door, an angry sigh escaping his lips. It was clear whatever he and Agent Pena spoke about downstairs got under his skin and my magical night was definitely not going to be happening tonight. "Sorry, it took forever. Looks like you found the liquor cabinet"

"Mhm. Here I poured you a drink" Steve simply pushed the drink back into my hands, shaking his head.

"We had like three bottles back at the bar. How are you not dizzy yet?"

"I just have a great tolerance. And I need this, this is my liquid courage right here" I chuckle, finishing the last sip before heading over to the couch with Steve trailing behind me. "How about we just talk, hm? If you're dizzy then we can just stay here for the night"

I knew that sex would be the last answer to fixing his somewhat ruined mood, and if I was being honest seeing him angry was a turn off. No offense to him.

𝐌𝐘 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 // 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘩𝘺Where stories live. Discover now