𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕖𝕟

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"Are you sure you have to head out?" I frown slightly, giving Steve my best puppy dog eyes as we found our way back into the hospital's parking lot.

Steve was called back into work for some sort of follow-up on his investigation, so in the little time we had for him to drop me off back at the hospital and such, he would be able to head back to work which sucked since it meant he wouldn't be able to come into the hospital and meet Maria. "I'm sorry, I'll come by at the end of your shift and meet Maria"

"Ugh, my shift is over at like midnight today Steve, she'll be asleep by then and I don't want to keep you busy or rush you to come to pick me up so I'll just get a ride with Mia tonight, don't worry" Mia and I had begun carpooling once we started working together, so there was no need for me to bring my car to work today. Which was now coming to bite me in the ass as I realized Mia was going to work a double shift and won't get out at the same time as me. But I still couldn't bother Steve about this.


"Steeeeve, I'm fine okay? You've been busy with your investigation and with good reason, so I don't need you getting even more stressed out" Before Steve could start arguing over the idea again, I pulled him in for a passionate kiss which was sure to shut him up. "Okay, now I have to get back and so do you. Bye, Steve"

"Bye," I close the door behind me and head back inside the hospital where Mia was, of course, waiting for me to head back and tell her everything.

"Soooo, what'd you do with Steve today?"

"We just went to the market, nothing special" I hold up my wrist with the bracelet for Mia to see. "He did buy me this as a gift though"

"Oh my God, that's so cute!" Mia gushed, grabbing my arm with a lot of force. "You are totally in love with this guy"

"Ha! In love? We literally just started dating a few days ago, Mia. Sure, he is super sweet and exceptionally hot but that's no reason to fall in love so quickly. Who knows we could even break up one day"

"Break up?" Mia gasped, bringing me over to the break room as if we didn't have to get back to work five minutes ago.

"Yeah. I mean that's always a possibility in dating"

"See this is why none of your relationships last more than like two months" I nearly choked at Mia's blunt comment. "You're always planning for the end of a relationship when you should just be testing out the waters and having fun, not thinking about this long term"

"But I have to worry about the long-term things Mia"

"Uh, no you don't! I mean you don't have any kids so that makes dating way easier and yes the whole...Pacho situation... but still that shouldn't stop you from dating and trust me, Steve seems like a really good guy so stop planning for the worst in a relationship and just live in the moment with this guy" Mia spoke passionately, getting up from her seat at the sound of her beeper.

"Wow. How the hell are you the one who gives the best relationship advice?"

"I just do. Look I gotta go check on Maria, you want to tag along?"

"Let's go!" I grab Mia's arm excitedly and head over to Maria's room. Though the scene unfolding in front of me quickly wiped my bright smile away.

Maria had gotten worse. Like skin, three times bluer and body even less energized worse. She never should've gotten this bad just from a cold, and certainly not with all the medication we were giving her to help fight it. Something else must've been wrong with her.

"Hi nurse Marina and Mia" Her voice was raspy and weak as she fought to keep her eyes open. It pained me to see her this way. I could hardly even speak, and it was a miracle my tone didn't waver with sadness.

𝐌𝐘 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄 // 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘩𝘺Where stories live. Discover now