Chapter 219

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Jisoo finished doing his job before walking towards the Park Family residence.

Rosé had been staying inside and stayed with her father for a long time. She was excited to see her father safe and sound.

"Father, are you going to be a general again?" Rosé asked her father with a concerned tone.

Dan Park shook his head. "I don't have any more soldiers. By what right should I return to the battlefield? The emperor wouldn't want to use a person like me anymore."

Rosé was sad at her father's response. "But, you can join the military army again."

Dan shook his head. He was already tired of being used by that emperor.

After the experience in the prison, he understood full well that the emperor didn't care about him.

For him, he had served in the military for years, but what he got was only a cold shoulder.

Now that the news of their escape had been released, many people might look for them. They were unaware that the three of them were already within the Ming Kingdom territory again. 

For Dan, it was better if he didn't return at all. He was disappointed with the emperor for not even trying to care about his soldiers.

"What is the news from the frontline?"

"The north is lost, the southwest is taken again," Rosé answered.

"The southwest is under the Ming Kingdom again?" 

This news was really surprising. After losing to the Yuan Kingdom, how could they manage to grab the territory back?

"Strategist Wu personally came to the territory and led the soldiers from the city along the way to take the city back. He can do it swiftly and all," Rosé answered truthfully.

Dan Park thought for a moment before nodding. With the number of enemies that the emperor had made, it is surprising that he could still sit on that throne.

The reason was simply that he had capable people around him. One of them was that strategist who could lead the war with ease.

Even if it's him, he didn't have the confidence to say that he could beat that strategist.

While talking, they had a guest coming. Jisoo came in and greeted the two of them.

Looking at her daughter's eyes, Dan knew that she fancied this man.

Unfortunately, he didn't feel pleased with Jisoo. From what he knew, this man had hidden his gender and acted as a girl for a long time.

How could he feel at ease when looking at this man?

"Jisoo, how is the hospital?" Rosé greeted happily.

"It's good," Jisoo answered amiably.

He looked towards Dan with an awkward look. Despite they had met before, this time there was something different.

He knew that this man must be displeased with the fact that he liked his daughter.

"Rosé, prepare some tea," Dan ordered.

Rosé wore a sour face, but she still left. Once she left, the atmosphere in the living room changed drastically.

"Young man, you sure have guts for deceiving the emperor and hiding your gender."

Jisoo looked back solemnly. "I have my reason, and if I don't hide my gender, with the status of my mother, I'm sure I would have been dead."

What Jisoo said was reasonable. His mother didn't have any status, and getting pregnant was only 'an accident'.

With him hiding his identity and living as a woman, they would not target him and let him off the hook.

Dan sneered. "What kind of man hides as a girl? Don't you have any dignity?"

Jisoo didn't want to be taunted by this man, but he could not refute that he was indeed a coward for hiding his identity.

The struggle he had for years to live as a girl was torture that no one could imagine.

"The kind of man who is willing to abandon his real identity to live," Jisoo said with a low voice. "I know you look down on me, but I would not throw away my life pointlessly when I know that I don't have any chance."

From the moment he knew that he was hiding his real gender, he knew that it was a secret he needed to hide from the emperor forever.

Living suppressing himself, he learned how to be patient and wait for the right moment. It was this patience that led him able to survive all these years hiding his gender and acting in front of the people.

"You treasure your life so much?" Dan looked towards Jisoo.

"If I don't treasure my life, I won't be able to live to find my happiness," Jisoo answered. "Life is precious, if you don't live, you won't be able to experience many things in this world."

He treasures his life and those around him. That was the other reason why he became a doctor. He wanted to be able to save those around him. 

After losing his mother because of poison, he didn't want to experience the same thing anymore.

Dan knew that the boy in front of him was serious. He had seen the boy's skill as a doctor, and he could not say that he was not impressed. 

Above all, he didn't want his daughter to marry someone selfish. But upon hearing his next line, he knew that the boy didn't only treasure his life, he also treasured his friends' lives.

Still, he looked towards Jisoo with a hard face. "I don't want my daughter to be with a feminine guy like you."

He is 100% man, alright...

Jisoo didn't know how to convince this old man about that fact, but he didn't have any interest in other men.

The only one whom he fancied was only one girl, Rosé, and no one else.

Before he could say anything else, Rosé had come inside with a tray in her hand. She looked towards both of them and put the tray on the table before serving the tea to Jisoo.

Although her way of pouring it was a bit inelegant, the two men already knew that she was indeed not used to serving.

"I can do it, you don't have to," Jisoo said helplessly.

Rosé grinned. "I want to."

"Fine," he can only accept it.

Dan sighed. What had he missed out on from his time in the military?

Seeing the smile on Rosé's face, he knew it would be a hard thing to convince her.

Rosé looked towards her father. "Father, I want to marry Jisoo."

Jisoo, who was about to drink the tea, and Dan both choked on the air and coughed violently.


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