Chapter 319

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At the headquarters, Jisoo was busy as always with the wounded people.

Their number kept on increasing, but most of them couldn't reach this place in time because the battle was still going on.

Jisoo wiped his sweat. This was still early in the morning, but he already felt tired.

"A few hours have passed," Jisoo looked towards the sun position.

He sat down on the ground for a few seconds to rest his muscles.

Treating them for a long range of time was basically insane, and he too found himself feeling extremely tired.

Staring at the battlefield, he noticed that Jennie already moved out from the headquarters along with the soldiers from the Mountain Kingdom.

"That young general already moved out... You better don't exert yourself, or your wound might not heal fast enough," Jisoo sighed.

With that kind of weary body from countless fights, training, and weird martial arts, he hoped that she would succeed.

More importantly, he hoped that she could do it without exerting herself.

If her wounds deteriorate again, the one who suffers the most would be her.

"Doctor Jisoo, please help over here."

"I'm coming."


Shu was still showing extraordinary battle ability in front of Jackson as the number of soldiers from the Pan Kingdom decreased rapidly in front of him.

They were either wounded or dying under his blade. From the back, Jackson only helped a little bit.

Jiu was tempted to go there and fight against Shu, but the soldier he instructed had returned.

"Princess Jennie is among the army. They seem to have the intention of going away from the battlefield."

"Going away from the battlefield?" Jiu repeated that phrase once again as he stopped his movement once again.

While the soldiers were fighting around him, he thought hard about the news his subordinate brought him.

If they planned a sneak attack, he would gladly welcome them, but if they planned to split their soldiers into two and attack the capital while he was busy, that would be a disaster.

Although he was powerful, there was no way he could be in two different places at the same time.

Should they do this tactic from earlier on, he might be caught off guard and choose to stay here and fight with Lisa.

However, because they only did this at the time when Lisa was already down.

It seemed they had a different plan. But, what was their plan?

Looking at Shu who was still fighting in front of him with such vigor and glancing at him repeatedly, he knew that he was inviting him to fight.

However, Jiu could see that Shu was exerting himself. Such a fight would not interest him in the slightest.

"Let's chase after that princess," on the other hand, capturing the beauty would be more tempting for him.

Aside from her important position in the Mountain Kingdom, she was known as the princess of the Ming Kingdom too.

With two important roles pinned on her head, there was no doubt that she would be protected heavily, and the real main army would be those people guarding her.

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