Chapter 288

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Leo did what he had to; he let his son go and begged the emperor to let the rest of them go.

The emperor knew that the Manoban family didn't do anything wrong and that punishing the entire family would make him look like a tyrant (not that he was not one).

It might incite another heavy wave of the rebels.

He chose to pardon them, but Leo still felt heavy, especially when he told the matter to his grandson and daughter-in-law.

Shin-Hye smiled sadly. "There is indeed nothing we could do."

Shin-Hye was indeed a smart woman and she knew very well the situation.

When she first came here, she was just a prisoner of war, but gradually everything changed and she fell in love with Marco.

She also has a son and became a happy mother.

Now, everything will change.

Little Lisa didn't understand what his grandfather meant, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to meet with his father anymore.

"Grandpa, can't you save Father?" Little Lisa pulled the man's sleeves.

Leo wanted to do it too, but doing so would end up implicating all of them and they would surely live in hardship for the rest of their life.

He couldn't do that, especially with such a clear example in front of them.

"Grandpa is sorry."

"Why?" Little Lisa asked with his big eyes.

Leo felt that his heart was crushed by the innocent look of his grandson and the fact that he had to let his only son die.

There was no way he could explain to this little boy that his father did it, so they can live.

"Grandpa is sorry."

Little Lisa turned around and ran away from the two of them.

Leo wanted to chase after him, but Shin-Hye didn't allow him.

"Let him clear his head a bit. He's a strong boy."


Shin-Hye smiled amid her tears. "He will come to terms with it."

Little Lisa didn't want to lose his father. He wanted to train more with his father and eventually fight alongside him on the frontline.

But, now everything was impossible and he would not get the chance to do it anymore.

The next day, he slipped outside from the residence and headed towards the square.

He already studied his residence and there were some loopholes he exploited.

In the square, he tried to find his father, but his short height didn't allow him to see anything.

Looking towards the tree beside him, he climbed up.

With some struggles, he is finally able to see his father, being tied up on the stage.

He saw how the guards eventually killed his father, yet he didn't move. He couldn't do anything.

That was the scene he would never forget in his whole life. Something inside him changed the moment he saw it and he didn't even know how he managed to get home.

"Little Lisa, where did you go?" Shin-Hye looked towards the pale face of Little Lisa and became highly worried.

The boy disappeared for the entire morning and after she had finished crying, she didn't manage to find him.

Only at night did the boy return.

Little Lisa looked towards his mother. His absent-minded face turned clear as he remembered his promise to his father.

"Mother, please don't cry, Soujin is fine. Lisa will protect his mother in the future."

"Yes, mother knew."

That night, Little Lisa came to Leo's room.

"What is it, little brat?" Leo tried to joke around to erase the heavy atmosphere between the two of them.

"Manoban family secret force, the assassins, I want to meet with them," Little Lisa said resolutely.

Leo's eyes almost popped out when that sentence come out from the little boy.

There was indeed the secret force of a group of assassins in their Manoban family, but Lisa shouldn't have known that at such a tender age.

"How can you know that?"

"Grandpa often talks about it with Father. I overhear," Little Lisa answered.

Facing the stubborn boy, he could only bring him to the place.

There, Little Lisa came to know their training and all.

After a while, he looked towards them and said one sentence. "Try to come at me."

The assassins thought the boy was joking, but with Leo's permission, they tried to attack the boy with the wooden sword.

Contrary to their expectation, the 8-year-old boy could beat them, and he even grew stronger during their fight.

"The boy is a talented kid."

Leo remembered the word Marco told him and he understood that this incident would become a drive for Lisa to grow stronger.

However, at the same time, this would make the boy lonelier.

Ever since that day, Little Lisa would practice with the elite force every day, and no matter how badly he got beaten up, he would still show up the next day for another practice.

Shin-Hye was worried upon seeing the beaten-up Little Lisa, but she came to know the reason from Leo the next day.

Still, it didn't make her feel any better to see her son wounded every day.

"You should have made a different training for Lsa or looked for a better partner for him. I don't want to see him like this every single day!" Shin-Hye complained to Leo.

Leo could only smile bitterly. Lili didn't have any friends and he was deeply engrossed in training every day.

In addition, he didn't want to listen to him because of what happened to his father in the past.

What could he tell the boy?

"What about that girl from the Tian family, doesn't she often come here?"

Shin-Hye shook her head. "The girl won't come back. The Tian family doesn't want to associate themselves with people that might become the target of the emperor's wrath anymore. It is useless to talk to them anymore."

Leo felt that it was really bad. When the little girl accompanies Lili, at least he would have a friend.

Although the two of them rarely talk, which made it awkward, it was still better with someone to accompany them.

Aside from that, he felt that the decision of the Tian family was annoying, but it was understandable.

When you were at the high of your life, there would be a lot of people coming to you, but when you were in danger, only a real friend would stay close to you.

"That is the reality. However, I'm sure that Lili would soon get a true friend," Shin-Hye said positively.

Leo smiled wryly.

The two of them were positive, but what she predicted came true as not long after that Lisa got into an argument with Jackson d the two of them became study partners.

Though most of the time they would break into fights over and over again.


Blood Flower 2 | Jenlisa AdaptationOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz