Chapter 67

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Because of Jisoo's suggestion, the two men headed toward the training hall and took their positions on each side of the hall.

Jennie and May stayed behind with Jisii on the other side of the training hall, acting as the referee should they need it.

May peered at Jennue's expression curiously, "You don't seem to worry about your husband."

"There is nothing I need to worry about," Jennie answered.

"Who do you think will win?"

"Of course, it will be Lisa."

"Why are you so sure?" May found this little lady's confidence to be rather amazing.

Ashan's combat skill was not low in any case. His appearance may be that of a scholar, but he was also a very talented martial artist.

Even if Luaa has good martial arts ability, there should be a possibility of him losing, right?

Jennie leaned back slightly, "I have fought with Ashab once in the past and his martial ability is more or less the same as mine. Compared with Lisa, my martial ability is still below him, so I know that Lisa won't lose."

May gasps at Jennie's answer before calming herself down.

From what Jennue told her, she came to know that this seemingly harmless little lady was someone powerful in martial arts too.

If she didn't tell her, this princess would never have thought about it.

Jennie smiled, "Do I not look like someone strong?"

"That's not it. It's just unexpected," May answered in all honesty.

In any case, she was pretty sure that Jennie was someone with a petite body. She truly couldn't imagine this small body held that much strength behind it.

"Don't underestimate her," Jackson walked towards their place with Shu following after him. He had only been able to finish his work and got some break today.

Of course, Shu had to exert a bit more pressure on him to make him manage to finish his work in time.

"If not because of her current condition, I won't be able to sleep in peace."

"I'm pretty sure that I still can beat you in other areas," Jennie smirked.

Seeing that smile, Jackson painfully remembered how he lost very badly to Jennie in chess.

Well, he already knew that she was smart too, so he should just accept the fact that he could never win against her.

With Jennie, he acknowledged that he wouldn't win, but towards other girls, they would never have a chance to defeat him!

When they were talking, the battle between Lisa and Ashan officially started.

The two of them moved at the same time and attacked the other party.

With the sword in the air and their rapid movement, the two clashed heavily in the middle.




From the side, Jisoo watched the battle from quite a distance. In any case, he didn't want to die yet, so he didn't dare to get closer to the two in case he got wounded accidentally.

Jennie's prediction came true,  Lisa's ability has indeed far surpassed Ashan's.

This young general trained almost every day, and his strength already far surpasses Jennie's at this time.

Jennie hadn't practiced for a long time already because of her reckless way of training in her youth and her current condition, so she knew that she might not be a match for the two of them.

I will start my training again after I have given birth.  Jennie thought secretly to herself.

Her right hand was holding her stomach lightly, caressing the life that was beneath her stomach.

She wouldn't want to put her child in danger, so she would be patient.

Lisa put his sword to the side, "You are quite powerful, Prince Asham."

Asham nodded his head and sheathed his sword back. He knew that he was not a match for the young general before him.

It was not like he came here to fight with him too since it was only a side thing he did because of a small problem.

"Let's continue with the talk. I'm pretty sure your emperor was eager for that."

"Before you talk about the negotiation, I think it would be better to separate your precious princess from our emperor," Lisa pointed to the back where Jackson was talking with May and Jennie walking in their direction.

Ashan smiled wryly. He had heard that this emperor was a playboy during his time as prince.

Does it mean May was in danger?

He swiftly came over to the princess's side and engaged to talk with the emperor.

Jennie looked towards the three of them with curiosity, "What did you tell him to make him move that fast?"

"It is obvious," Lisa arched his eyebrows and pulled the girl to his embrace. "Do you feel tired? We can return to the residence if you feel unwell?"

"... I'm fine," Jennie snuggled in his embrace, accepting his warmth, "Do you think that I can't do anything?"

"I'm just worried."

Having a child was a big hurdle for women. When they were about to deliver, they would be placed between the door of life and death.

Even if she was a martial artist, he knew that the danger was still there.

"I will be fine," Jennie said calmly. "Let's just finish the matter with the trade as fast as possible and inquire about the battle for the throne in their kingdom."

Should the one who ascended to the throne be someone who didn't acknowledge the trade, this would become a big problem for them.

After all, the main income for the area in the Yuan Kingdom was trade.

To ensure everything will go smoothly, they should prepare everything fully.

Lisa nodded his head, "I will send people to investigate them. For now, let's leave Jackson to handle the talk with Ashan."

"That would be a good idea. I'm already feeling tired here."

With that, Lisa and Jennie returned to their residence, leaving Jackson facing the two people in front of him and handling the discussion.

Jisoo helped a little bit but had other matters to do, so in the end, Jackson had to do it by himself.


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