Chapter 284

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General Tou hurriedly went to the palace upon hearing that Jennie was sick.

He couldn't get inside the room since Xia, who followed along to take care of Jennie needed, forbade anyone to enter.

That was except Lisa who would barge in unconditionally.

"How is the princess?" when Xia came out, General Tou asked.

Xia was feeling distressed. Jennie is rarely sick because if she did, it meant that her condition was really poor.

Normally, she would be fine to stand under the rain for hours.

However, she has been pushing herself hard for this battle to end as soon as she could. It resulted in her condition deteriorating and she fell sick.

Luckily, Jennie should recover if she had enough rest. She had a good constitution, and she was not a weak girl, so Xia was not worried about it.

"She will soon recover."

Genera Tou nodded. "It's good. I have been worried about her."

Xia didn't know the appropriate answer to this kind of question. Her miss will be fine, they didn't need to worry too much.

However, there was one person who couldn't feel safe at all and continuously wait on Jennie's side.

On the side, Jackson sighed. "That idiot... he better not forget about taking care of himself."

The idiot Jackson referring to was Lisa.

Previously, when Jennie was hurt because of the wound, he had been waiting for her all day.

Now that she was sick because of a fever, he waited for her again beside her bed.

Lisa would not listen to anyone as he kept on waiting by Jennie's side.

No words could describe his feeling as he looked towards the girl before him.

He told her that he would wait for her, but she ended up seeing him talking with that woman.

He wanted to explain, but the girl suddenly fainted.

Only the heavens knew how much he worried about the girl when she suddenly fainted.

He was truly panicked when he saw her faint in front of him. He thought that he would lose her, but the doctor said she was fine.

That one word eased him very much. However, he still felt worried and wouldn't leave the girl.

Jennie's face was flushed red due to the fever she had. She was still sleeping, but it seemed she was having a bad dream.

Lisa couldn't help but worry upon seeing the girl like this.

After a while, Xia came inside bringing water and a towel. "I need to change the compress."

Lisa nodded and he stayed in his chair as Xia change Jennie's compress. The girl's complexion turned better, but her temperature was still high.

Finishing changing the compress, Xia turned towards Lisa and bowed politely.

"General, you need to eat some food."

Lisa didn't feel like eating, but he knew that his friend wouldn't let him go if he didn't eat anything.

With a helpless expression, he could only accept the offer from Xia and ate in a hurry.

After that, he stayed inside Jennie's room to wait for the little girl to wake up.

Jennie's mind was a bit hazy. Inside her mind, she dreamed about her childhood.

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