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(Zeke's Pov)

Making my way into school I immediately head to my locker with my head down like usual. Once I make it to my locker I open it then grab the things I need for first period. As I'm getting everything organized I suddenly feel someone sling their arms around me making me jump and turn my head only to relax and roll my eyes when I see my best friend Brett grinning down at me. "Hey there Z what's up?" I give him a slight look. "Nothing except for the fact you gave me a heart attack." He chuckles softly. "Sorry bud I didn't mean to." I shake my head and close my locker grabbing my bag only to pause when a bunch of girls start screaming about how they're here. Immediately turning my attention to the hallway I watch as a group of thirteen guys all make their way through the hallway my attention immediately drawn to one of the guys who's tall and dark haired with glasses and a beanie on. Watching as he talks with a few of the guys I'm immediately snapped out of it when Brett snaps his fingers in front of my face I jumping from being a little startled. I give Brett a slight look but he just gives me an amused look. "You were drooling over Wonwoo again." I immediately feel myself blush and give him a little glare. "I was not drooling." He chuckles saying teasingly. "Yeah but you were about to be." I roll my eyes and am relieved when the bell rings signaling class Brett giving a little pout. "Damn saved by the bell. I'll see you after class." I smile giving him a fist bump and a "see ya later" before I rush to my first period which is advanced literature. I immediately head to the very back of the class where I take a seat near the window and start sketching a vague picture of a wolf until the teacher starts class. Soon she starts writing on the board before turning to face us. "Alright class your each going to be paired up to read and discuss a book over the next few weeks. Now the pairings are on the board I want you to go ahead and get with your partner." Looking up at the board I see my name paired with none other than Joshua Hong I making a slight face. I see his confused look as he looks around the room I sighing as the teacher points me out. He immediately heads over with a smile and sets his things down beside me I quickly closing my notebook full of drawings. He turns to me with a kind smile "you're Ezekiel right? I'm Joshua." I give a little nod. "I know. You and your friends are famous around school. And call me Zeke." He gives me a curious look and goes to say something when the teacher suddenly walks over handing us two copies of the same book. I pick up one of the books smiling when I see the book The Princess Bride I watching as Joshua picks the second copy up smiling. "I read this already it's a really good book." I nod in agreement. "Yeah definitely. It's actually one of my favorites. I also love the movie." He gives me a curious look and I change the subject. "So since we already read it we just need to make the report. What days are you free?" He tells me which days he has free I nodding and write it down then start packing up. "Alright we can meet in the library on those days around lunch time or late afternoon and get started." Before he can say anything else the bell rings and I quickly get up heading out of the room to my locker.

Love me more (a Joshua Hong x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now