Ch 7

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The next morning I wake up feeling really horrible I letting out a groan but force myself out of bed and shuffle downstairs. Just as I make it to the bottom step I hold onto the railing feeling dizzy and weak. I see my brother walk out of the kitchen he immediately giving me a worried look and rushes over putting his hand to my forehead. "Whoa you're burning up. Back to bed for you young man." I groan and try to straighten up giving him a look. "I'm fine I can make it to school." I suddenly start going into a coughing fit and Liam gives me a stern look and points to my room. "Bed now." I grumble and slowly make my way up the stairs and back to my room where I climb into bed and grab my phone texting Brett that I'm sick and won't make it to school. I then put my phone aside and lay down falling back asleep almost immediately.

(A few hours later)

Slowly waking up when I hear the doorbell I groan and sit up in bed rubbing my eyes before starting to cough my throat feeling like it's full of knives. When I finally get my coughing to stop I look curious when there's a knock on my bedroom door. "Um come in." The door opens and I'm surprised when I see Joshua standing there holding a bunch of books. Blinking in confusion I ask curiously my voice hoarse. "What are you doing here?" He gives me a worried concerned look I getting a funny feeling in my stomach. "I came to bring you your assignments since you weren't at school today. Your friend asked me to because he said something about chore day?" I sigh and motion him into the room. "You can actually come in." I think I see his cheeks tint pink but I chalk it up to my imagination as he steps into the room and stops at the end of my bed. I then catch my reflection in the mirror across my bed and I grimace at my brown hair all over the place I looking a mess. I quickly try to finger comb my hair looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry I look like crap." He gives me a cute reassuring smile. "You look fine. Besides you're sick and I know it's hard to look good when you don't feel well." I slowly nod then notice he's still holding the multiple books in his arms I frowning. "You can hand those over to me I know they're probably heavy." He carefully hands me the books I setting them beside me and am a little surprised when I see my notebooks Joshua seeming to notice because he says quickly. "Your friend got them from your locker." I nod relaxing a little then look up at him with a small smile. "Well thanks for bringing my assignments and everything you didn't have to." He shrugs. "Your friend said that you didn't like getting behind and I don't mind helping you out." That funny feeling in my stomach comes back I clearing my throat. "Well you should probably get going so you don't end up getting sick too." He nods giving me a little smile and a soft goodbye I watching as he leaves then look over at my assignments with a little sigh I grabbing my maths book and get started working until I end up falling asleep halfway through.

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