Ch 11

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By the time Friday evening comes I'm actually freaking out a little as Brett does my makeup and hair he babbling on about how jealous he is I have a date I letting out a little chuckle. "You're excited and I'm freaking out." He gives me a worried look. "What why are you freaking out?" I give him a slight look. "This is my first date ever with someone who I never even thought I'd go out with. And what if we end up kissing?" Brett raises an eyebrow at me. "Dude calm down. I say if he makes a move then go for it." I let out a sigh and go to run a hand through my hair when Brett slaps my hand away. "I just spent fifteen minutes fixing it you're not ruining it because you're nervous." I pout as he moves away from me and starts digging in my closet before he grabs a pair of jeans with a black t shirt he throwing the clothes at me I barely catching them. Brett points to the bathroom sternly and I sigh going to get ready and pull the clothes on noticing that the shirt kinda hugs my frame a little making me look a tiny bit muscular instead of small and lanky like usual. Walking out of the bathroom Brett wolf whistles and grins at me. "You look hot." I blush and give him a slight look about to say something when the doorbell rings my eyes widening slightly. Brett gives me an encouraging smile and gently pushes me towards the door. "Everything will be okay. Have fun and enjoy yourself." I give him a thankful smile before heading downstairs seeing my brother chatting with Joshua near the doorway. I clear my throat as I make it down the last step and they both turn to me Joshua giving me a smile and Liam raising an eyebrow at me looking surprised. I make my way over a little shyly and Liam says a little firmly. "Your curfew is at eleven." I nod thanking him then look at Joshua with a little smile. "Ready to go?" He nods smiling and we head out the door I a little surprised when I see a car parked outside. Joshua heads to the passenger side door and opens it for me I blushing a little and get in with a soft "thank you." He carefully closes the door once I'm fully inside and I buckle up as he gets in the drivers side. He also buckles up before he starts driving off I looking out the window until we reach the movie theater. Joshua quickly parks and gets out as I'm undoing my seatbelt then he opens my door for me I giving him a shy smile as he helps me out. He closes the door once I'm out and keeps ahold of my hand as we walk to the booth to get our tickets. I look at all the different movies curiously as Joshua orders tickets to a new scary movie I immediately feeling a little nervous because I hate scary movies since I'm a big scaredy cat. Swallowing I let Joshua lead me inside the theater and we head over to the concession stand I ordering a drink and some candy while Joshua gets a drink and some candy as well. We then hand over our tickets while we head into the right room we taking seats towards the middle. We get situated and I shift a little anxiously as the movie begins to start. As the movie starts out it isn't too bad but then it starts getting creepy and scary. As the first jump scare pops up I flinch and grab onto Joshua's arm. The further we get into the movie I flinch and whimper hugging Joshua's arm while I bury my face in his shoulder. He uses his free hand to gently pet my hair murmuring quiet reassurances I relieved when the movie finally comes to an end. I slowly let go of Joshua and give him a shy apologetic smile. "Sorry for clinging onto you the whole time." He smiles reassuringly at me. "It's fine Ezekiel. How about we go for a walk in the park?" I perk up a little and nod smiling. He helps me up and we walk hand in hand out of the theater after throwing away our trash. We then walk to the park across the street and I look up at the starts with a smile on my face. "They're so pretty." I hear Joshua give a soft "yeah" I turning my head only to see that he's staring at me I immediately feeling my face turn red. He gently pulls me closer into his side I resting my hands on his chest when I stumble and our eyes meet I feeling my heart start to go crazy as he leans in closer I soon feeling his soft lips on mine and I kiss back eagerly. The kiss starts out soft and sweet but it soon starts to turn heated I gripping onto Joshua's shirt a little tightly as his hands start to wander a little going from my lower back down to my waist. I let out a little whimper feeling heat in my stomach as I move as close as possible to him he slowly pulling away making me let out a little whine. He chuckles softly and looks down at me pecking my lips one last time. "We're in public." I pout a little slowly pulling away from him and we start walking again. It's quiet between us for a minute before I speak up. "You know at first I didn't really like you. I was annoyed that you were paired with me and everything. But you kinda grew on me and now I'm happy to have you by my side." He looks down at me with a smile. "I'm happy to be by your side Ezekiel." I suddenly stop and look at him curiously. "Why do you use my full name? Everyone else calls me Zeke." He blinks and shrugs. "I wanted to be different and special." I slowly nod then check the time and sigh. "We better go it's almost eleven already." He nods and we head back to the car he driving me home and stops in front of my house. I look at him and lean forward kissing him softly for a moment before I pull away with a smile. "Text me when you get home." He nods assuring me he will and I get out of the car heading into the house only to immediately pause when I step out of the doorway I seeing my brother and my best friend asleep on the couch cuddling. Raising an eyebrow I decide to leave it instead heading up to my room to wash off my makeup and change into some pajamas I then climbing into bed after Joshua assures me he's home safe I falling asleep happy and content.


Love me more (a Joshua Hong x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now