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I make my way to my next few classes before heading towards the cafeteria for lunch I taking a seat at an empty back table with Brett. Once I sit down I take out the extra sandwich I packed and hand it over to Brett he giving me a grateful look. Brett's an orphan so he doesn't really have the money to buy lunch and the orphanage barely has enough money to afford food for the kids at all so he can't pack a lunch that's why I pack an extra for him. "So you'll never guess who Ms Yang paired me up with in literature." He raises an eyebrow as he takes a large bite out of the sandwich and swallows before answering. "Who?" I discreetly nod towards the popular table where all thirteen boys sit at multiple tables put together so they can sit together comfortably. "She put me with freaking Joshua Hong." He gives me an amused look. "Aw come on girls and a few guys would kill to be his assignment partner. He's known as the gentleman you know." I roll my eyes at him. "He's not my cup of tea." He smirks and says teasingly. "Your to focused on Wonwoo the strong silent type of guy." I lean forward and flick his forehead he grimacing a little and rubs the area I flicked pouting I saying tauntingly. "Well you're obsessed with my brother. When you man up and talk to my brother other than greeting him or talking about me I'll man up and speak to Wonwoo." He frowns slightly before nodding holding his pinky out. "Alright deal." I smirk and link my pinky with his we shaking them before I pull my hand away just as the bell rings signaling the end of lunch. Sighing I reluctantly get up gathering my trash Brett helping me. "What class do you have next?" I walk with him to the trash can grimacing. "Music with Wonwoo, Mingyu, Woozi, Seungcheol and Vernon." He hums giving me a sympathetic look. "I got calculus." I give him an apologetic smile as we walk down the hall parting ways when I reach my classroom. I quickly make my way towards the back of the classroom only to stumble when a popular girl named Hana sticks her foot out tripping me I barely catching myself on the desk with an "oof." I turn my head giving her a slight look she just smirking at me. "Oops. Guess you should watch where you're going freak." I grumble but straighten up and make my way to the very back desk taking a seat and look out the window. Soon the teacher Mr Kim walks in giving us a cheerful smile before telling us we can do whatever we want as long as it's music related or doesn't disturb the class to much. I pull out my notebook and start writing on a song I've been working on but I can't help but occasionally lift my eyes up to watch Wonwoo and the others. I observe them for a little bit getting a sick feeling in my stomach when I see Hana approaching them and starts flirting with Wonwoo a frown crossing my face. Shaking my head I turn my attention back to writing until the bell rings signaling the end of the day I quickly getting up and pack my things away. Once I'm done I rush out of the room and maneuver around the crowded hall stopping by my locker before heading towards the door. Just as I'm heading for the gate I hear someone calling my name I stopping in my tracks and turn around curiously only to see Joshua jogging towards me. I raise an eyebrow at him and tilt my head in confusion he giving me a little smile. "I was wondering if I could have your number so we can discuss the project and everything." I hesitate before reluctantly handing my phone over after unlocking it. His smile brightens and he types on my phone before pulling his own phone out to put my information on it. Once he's done he hands over the phone I quickly putting it away. "So tomorrow's Saturday do you wanna meet at the library?" I give him a little nod. "Sure. I'm free basically all day." He nods before looking thoughtful for a second. "How about me meet after lunch around one?" I nod in agreement telling him that's fine before I hear footsteps approaching I turning my head and see Brett I quickly excusing myself from Joshua before I head over to my best friend. "Hey can I come over today? I'm stuck on some of my math homework." We immediately start walking I giving Brett an amused look. "You don't need to ask to come over you can just say you're coming." He looks a little sheepish as we approach my house. "Sorry I forgot." I reassure him it's fine before walking up my little porch and open the door stepping inside Brett and I slipping off our shoes when I hear footsteps and look up to see my brother standing in the doorway with a smile. "Hey guys how was school?" I give him a grumble. "I have a literature project to do with someone." My brother gives me a sympathetic look before turning to Brett with a smile. "What about you Brett?" I watch in amusement as my best friends face turns red he turning shy which usually never happens. "It was fine Mr Dun.." I see my brother roll his eyes. "Please Brett just call me Liam. I'm not that much older." He nods in agreement looking embarrassed I feeling amused and grab his arm gently leading him away. "We're going to go do some homework."  I then drag Brett to my room closing the door before looking at him in amusement. "You look like a fire truck." He gives me a slight look. "You're not helping." I chuckle softly before telling him to get out his math homework he listening and we each take a seat at my desk. We get started and continue working until my brother pokes his head in suddenly. "Hey dinners almost ready. Are you staying over Brett?" I look over at Brett hopefully he speaking up shyly. "If you don't mind having me." Liam waves him off reassuring him he's always welcome before leaving us alone. Once dinner is ready we all gather around the table and start eating happily chatting occasionally about our plans for the weekend. Once we're done Brett and I put our dishes in the sink then wish my brother a goodnight before heading back up to my room where I grab some of Brett's clothes he keeps in my closet handing them over before grabbing some pajamas for myself. We take turns in the bathroom to change and everything then climb into my large bed there enough space between us so it isn't awkward. We lay there talking for awhile until we slowly fall asleep.

Love me more (a Joshua Hong x male reader story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें