3. Late

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Guys , this will be the last TW, which I will warn about.
Like I mentioned in the description, there will always be stuff which can trigger you.
This goes from food to detailed description from death .
Please don't read this if this could trigger you!

"HEL !
Swing your ass down here ! My foot is getting COLD !"
Jesus . I swayed my legs out of my bed and made my way downstairs .
"George , new invention. Call me before the foot is on the table ."
I huffed and let myself fall onto the chair next to Lockwood . Lucy smiled at me and I smiled back before I looked down on my plate . Soup.
Good , not many calories. I can't really remember, at which moment my head started to work the way it did now , it just did . I took a spoon and smiled at George .
"It's really good ."
He smiled.
"Thank you."
It was awkward, probably because we don't know Lucy that good yet. So I grab a pencil and started to scratch a little ghost right next to my plate . All of the little ghosts around the table are from me. Their my thing . At the start George was against them because he didn't want another thing remembering him that every where is the death but after a while even he liked them.
"Uhm is there a rule , who cooks when ?"
Lucy cleared her throat . I look up at her . This must be even more awkward for her then for us.
"No, George cooks."
Lockwood nodded with his head towards George, who was already eating his soup .
"Not that anyone asked me ."
George scoffed .
"I could cook."
I offered , trying to get peace into this household.
"No !"
Georgie looked even more offended .
"Don't you like my cooking ?"

Like every night , after I dressed into my pajamas I went downs stairs . I made myself a cup of hot milk and Lockwood a tee before I went to the library . Like every night Lockwood was already sitting in the armchair . I placed the cup of tee in front of him , which he answered with a smile and a thank you. Then I placed the milk in front of the couch before I went to the books. I just finished Maze runners and now I was on a search for a new book.
"Did you already finished Death cure ?"
Lockwood looked up from his magazine . I nodded , while letting my fingers wander over the books.
"Yes .
I liked it ."
"I knew you would."
It was silent again.
"What will you read next ?"
I sighed .
"I don't know ."
"How about Dunbrige Academy ?"
I nodded and grabbed the first book out of the shelf .
"Good idea ."
Before I could sit down and like every night enjoy my milk and read before I went to bed , the door opened .
Lucy looked around anxiously.
"Oh hello ."
Lockwood stood up, now facing her too.
"Sorry, Am I interrupting ? Only , I'm not tired, so."
"No. Not at all.
Come in, sit down."
Now they were both looking at me.
First I was confused what they wanted until I understood. They wanted me to leave.
I grabbed my milk and my book.
"You know what , I am already tired.
See you two tomorrow."
I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

Suddenly it felt way colder then usually, so I rubbed with my free hand over my arms. I walked up the stairs , wondering what to do with my evening now.
"You're already finished reading today ?"
Georgie looked at me confused while I mustered this bare legs .
"Will you ever start wearing pans ?"
He shook his head , still expecting an answer.
"Uhm Lucy came in, so I Left."
"They kicked you out ?!"
I shook my head no.
"No they were just staring at me weirdly and I felt uncomfortable, so I left."
George mustered me for a few seconds before he turned around and opened his door.
"Come in."
"Come in."
I followed him and sat down on his bed .

"Shit , Hel Wake up !"
I let out a groan and turned around.
"Hel !"
George shook my shoulders.
"You're going to Hell if you try to wake me up."
"Hel ! Its a work day and we're late ."
Oh fuck ! As I tried to sit up, I fell out of the bed .
"What the fuck ?"
I looked around .
"You slept in here ."
George explained while he started to rumor trough his closet.
We both stiffened . You should know that Lockwood needs perfection on days we have a case . And today is one of these days . This evening we will visit a haunted house , so we need to train and prepare . So we can't be late but we are late . We hear footsteps coming towards the door .
"Hide me !"
George looked at me .
"Where should I fucking hide you ?"
Before I could think I started to crawl under the bed . Maybe not the best idea if you're allergic to dust . But before I could hide in a different space Lockwood came in.
"George , your late ."
"No , I am not .
I am dressing , like always ."
Lockwood sighed .
"I give you five minutes , while I go wake up Hel."
I could see Lockwoods shoes . He stood right before the bed.
"Why not ?"
Oh no, I need to sneeze .
Please don't .
Please don't .
"Uhm.... She's changing already.
I talked to her ."
"Oh . Okay."
I felt relieve filling my body as I saw how Lockwood turned around and made his way to the door . As I thought he was gone I finally sneezed .
"What was that ?"
I stiffened .
Oh shit .
"I sneezed . You may want to say bless you."
Should I be scared of how good George lies ?
He didn't needed a second .
"No no, George . I know you .
You don't sneeze like that . You sneeze like and broken record player but that sounded like a cat ."
Oh please don't find me.
I want to live .
"Please Tell me you don't hide a cat in here ."
I needed to cover my mouth , so I don't start laughing out loud .
"No , I don't hide a cat in here !"

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