15. Bookshop

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The moment passed , no butterfly's anymore. I coughed awkwardly.
"So where we're going ?"
"A bookshop."
"A bookshop?"
Lockwood nodding , now going back to his normal self. He turned around and started to march again.
I followed quickly, afraid that the tall boy would leave me behind if I won't follow.
"Yes , a bookshop."
"But why ?"
"Well obviously to buy a book."
"But which book ?"
"You will see."

I sighed.
"This better be good, Woody or I'm going to strangle you."
"Sure you will."
We stopped in front of a bookshop. Lockwood opened the door, holding it open for me.
"You first , my lady."
"Thank you very much, you're a fine gentleman."
"Of course I am."
"And so humble."
"Of course I am."

We entered the room . Not many people were here. Books weren't as loved as they once were. People didn't enjoy them anymore. Their life's were dangerous enough, they didn't needed more adventures. Nowadays we're romance shows and movies the hit but I still liked books.

"Okay now turn to your right."
I turned to my right , my eyes widening.
"You're kidding me."
"No I'm not."
"Anthony , you're fucking with me right now ..."
"No , I'm not."
I squealed in joy, jumping in his arms.
"Oh my god ! I never loved you more !"
I pressed a kiss on his cheek, before pushing Lockwoods arms off me and running to the books.
Grabbing it softly.
"I can't believe it. It's so pretty."
My fingers ran over the cover.
"I didn't knew that he was going to write another one."
"Nobody did. A friend of a friend stumbled over it."
"I love it."

The tales of a life full but lifeless world were my favorites. It was about a human being trapped in a world of robots, programmed to feel things but due to them being programmed they , unlike humans , always react the same way to one thing. The human tried to get back to his world but getting the help of the robots was hard.
Just like getting the books. There were a limited amount of them and I've got every part . There was never another part. The tales ended without an ending , at least so we thought. But now... now I was holding this pretty book in my hand. The next part.

I turned around to Lockwood.
"You're an Angel."
He laughed , his face lighten up.
"So you're going to read with me at night again ?"
"Yes. Yes , I will."
I bought the book as fast as possible, afraid of someone taking it from me. I held it close to my chest as we walked outside.

"You're going to cry while reading it again ?"
"Yes, probably."
"I don't get what you like about this books."
I gave out a huff.
"Lockwood, they're robots and they feel ! They're sooo cute."
"Sure if you say so."
"I do."
"Well now that we've got the book , we should head back to Lucy and George. You know how grumpy George gets when he's left alone."

Until the very end ~ Lockwood & CoWhere stories live. Discover now