13. Kipps

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We were walking trough the streets while Lockwood explained his big plan. Media. Fucking amazing. Even though I wasn't convinced of his idea in the slightest I must admit it felt rather cool to walk along with them. Lucy was on the right , looking mysterious like she somehow always does. Then came Lockwood , who looked kinda like a mix of a hero and a villain then me and George. We both looked rather normal next to the two of them.

"Leave me out of it. I don't like my name in the papers."
I nodded in agreement. Amen, finally some sense in this idea.
"Same goes for me."
I don't want to imagine what would happen if they find me. The hospital was already a close call but being in the newspaper....
Woody tried his best to argue his way out of it. That it would bring us some new clients but Lucy made it very clear to not be named in any way. As he looked at me with hope I shook my head.
"No, I don't want to be mentioned."

We were sitting in the achieve, trying to find anything about our new case. I couldn't really focus on what was said, my eyes were flickering over Lockwood. Damn it , I'm pathetic.
To my defense he was looking extremely good today.
I smirked at the pink socks he was wearing, before shaking my head and trying to get back to what was happening in real life.

"Well done, Tony."
My head shot up with a smile plastered over my face.
"Doing your research before the job this time."
"Mmh is he Tony? Or is it Andrew now?"
"Keep it down Kipps , this is a library . Not a braying gallery for bellends."
You wouldn't think it but George was rather good in talking back to someone. Kipps gaze shot to Lucy , his face changing just a little bit.
"Ah , this must be your new assistant."
I scrunched up my nose. Sexist asshole.
"Colleague . And you must be Kipps, I read about you. Haven't you got the highest mortality-."
I interrupted them before it could escalate.
"Yeah yeah, you're all finished with comparing your dicks now ?"
As nobody answered I smiled .
I jumped about and ran to Bobby, hugging him tightly . His arms wrapped around my waist and even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was smiling too.
"Good to see you alive ."
He murmured , making me laugh.
"Can't say the same about you."
He punched me in the ribs, making me let out a fake whine.
"Fuck you."
"I know you want to."
I smirked before hugging him once again. He pushed me a bit away from him and caressed some hair out of my face.
"You're really fine ? I heard you were in the hospital. I came to visit you but your room was empty."
"Yes yes, totally fine. Well my leg is kinda killing em but that's not really important and yes , the room was empty because I fled out of it."
He started to laugh .
"Of course you did."

"Hel come here, now."
Lockwood looked rather unamused. His voice was way deeper than it normally was , making me shiver .
"Daddy is calling."
Bobby whispered in my ear.
"Fuck off. I don't have daddy issues."
"Mmh- you rather call him sir ?"
"Fuck off!"
I shoved him before moving back to Lockwood, who was now shooting death glares at all the friends of Kipps. I sat down on the chair beside him and the first time, since Lucy joined us , his arm wrapped around my shoulders.
"Awww Tony, no need to be jealous . You know how ... close Bobby and Helena always were."
I cringed at my full name in discomfort. I watched Bobby's face , who was also looking rather unamused from the comment of his boss.
"And You know everyone leaves you in the end."
Before I could threw my fist at the boy standing in front of me or rather before anyone could react Kipps and Lockwood had their swords in their hand. I couldn't even remember Lockwood standing up but he was.
"Our new colleague is named Lucy."
His shin pointed to me.
"Her name is Hel. And mine is Lockwood.
And you need a latter."
I tilted my head in confusion . What was he doing ?
"No I don't ."
Lockwood started to smirk.
"Yes, you do."
Lockwood snatched his sword , making Kipps fly straight in the air. We all were starring up at it , now having a few feet's over us .
As I looked at the dark haired boy again, he was smirking the most powerful and self confident way , I ever saw.

Well... that was hot. Not gonna lie.

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