Chapter 15: Departure

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The sun's rays began to creep across the early-morning sky. The dancers hurried as fast as they could to prepare the small abandoned boats for the voyage. Time was ticking away before daybreak, and they still had to escape before then.

On the white sands of the beach, Sanji lay on y/n's lap holding a small transponder snail in his hand, waiting for a response. After a few moments, the snail clicked.


"Nami-swan, are you there?~" He cooed.


"I'm so sorry, Nami my dear..." A drip of sweat came down Sanji's face.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Nami continued to yell.

"Is this one of your crewmates...?" y/n hesitantly asked.

"Y-yeah..." Sanji's eyes swirled from his eardrums being blown out. "This is Nami-swan, our navigator."

"Who are you talking to?" The young woman on the snail asked.

"M-my name is y/n...we're on the northeast side of the island on a small beach."

"OH~ are you the special woman Sanji mentioned?" Her tone suddenly became very sweet.

Y/n blushed at the navigator's comment. "Uh...maybe? He rescued me and my friends..."

"Okay don't worry, we're headed there now in the Shark Submerge. Is Sanji alright?"

"Um...more or less." Y/n bit her lip. "He suffered some gunshots to his legs. He says he's okay, but he needs help."

"Of course he does," Nami huffed. You didn't need to see her to know she was rolling her eyes on the other side of the call. "We'll be there soon. Just wait there! *click*".

Y/n continued to watch the sunrise from the sea in a glow of red. "She sounds...nice."

"She is," Sanji replied. "She's just an emotional woman. I understand it." He placed his arm over his eyes. "She's right to be mad, I didn't mean to make them wait for so long."

Seeing Sanji upset suddenly reminded her of something. "Oh! I almost forgot! Here." She reached inside her dress and took out Sanji's lighter from inside her bra. "Sorry, I had to keep it safe. I know this is probably something important to you and I didn't want to lose it."

Sanji's face flushed intensely at the thought of his lighter being between her breasts the whole time. "Uh..t-that's fine. Thank you y/n, dear."

"Need a light?" Y/n asked, snapping open the lighter to ignite the flame. Sanji reached into his pocket for a cigarette, but sighed in disappointment finding out his box was gone. He must've lost it during his fight with Amore..."Don't worry, I got you." She then surprised the man once more taking out a single cigarette from between her breasts. "I knew it was smart to save it! Haha!"

Sanji's face became so hot it steamed. "Y/n you are a lifesaver.~"

She gently placed the cigarette in his mouth for him and lit it ablaze. "Can you tell me more about your crew?" Y/n smiled, still trying to cheer him up.

"Oh, they're amazing." He smiled back at her after blowing out smoke. "You'll get to meet them soon. We are a pretty rag-tag bunch but they are all incredibly strong. Our captain is Luffy, who has rubber powers." He gestured the cigarette towards y/n to pass it to her.

"Rubber powers? What on earth does that mean?" Y/n asked really confused, taking hold of the cigarette.

"Ever heard of devil fruits?"

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