Back to Hogwarts 2

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No TW's for this onf eather wow!


Here he was in his train to Hogwarts ready to attend His 5th year. Last year they'd finally Managed to Transform into Animagi for Remus. James Loved His stag Form and Spent some time in the forest as prongs to practice.

He of ours also practiced with Sirius as Padfoot wich was an awesome amount of fun.

And now Here He was in the train thinking about a new Projekt
Wich was to create a map wich would Show them everyone at Hogwarts where they are, what they're doing, every Minute of every day.

He knew it would Not be easy but they'd manage to transform into Animagi they'd manage that too.

But instead of being able to present his awesome idea Sirius wanted to talk with James about Lily Evans.

James has had a Crush on her since first year. And asked her Out about a thousand times. But every single time she declined.

Somewhat in the middle of Last year he realized tho, that Just oushing wouldnt Bring him anything. And so He stopped asking her Out as much.

And now they're really good friends. Don't get James wrong He still Loves Lily and hopes that one day she'll love him Back. But being friends would be enough for now.

Sirius tho seemed to be convinced Other whise. Beacause he keeps in trying to convince James to ask her one Last Time.

”Oh come on Jamie, I am Sure she'll Say yes. We'll buy some Lillies for her, since i know roses are romantic but her Name ist Lily so it fits, then we'll buy her chocolate, Dress you up and you'll Just ask.”  Sirius said Grinning.

”You know what fine. But only as Long as i can do it privatly. No big Thing in the Greathall or Something Like that.” James said a smile on his face.

”Awww why nott?” Sirius asked making over dramatic Hand moves.

”Beacause that is the last Thing she'll want. I am Gonna do it right next Saturday OK?” James can't belive he's Gonna do it again, but whats the worst Thing that could Happen? It would probably be her saying she's Gonna need a Smal Friendship brake and declining. But James doesnt even want to think about that.

”Fine” Sirius said smilling sheepishly. Next to him Remus Out His book down and hummed ”Now that thats done. Prongs you Said you Had an Idea?”

Ah yes finally the Map. ”Exacly! Thanks moons, for bringing it up.” He did a quick Look around to make Sure everybody was listening and then:” So what If we could create a map about Hogwarts with every Secret Passage and stuff, since we know them all or atleat most of them anyway.”

”Ok but thats Not that hard prongs?” Peter asked from the Seat next to him.

”Yeah Well here comes the hard and fun Part: What If we could Charm it to have and Overlook at everyone at Hogwarts AS little named that follow their every move! That way our pranks would be way easier and we'd have way more controll. Plus we can see when Poppy leaves the shag each full so we can Join Moony easier.”

”Prongs that is brilliant! If we'd be able to do that we'd be Legends!” Sirius said exidetly.

”So Kinda like a Security system then. We would have to use many difficoult Charms but I guess If we really Work hard and Long on it we could make it work. I will Go to the library right away tomorrow. That really is a good Idea James.” Remus Said allready planning Well how they'd do it.

”That Sounds so cool! I could Run Around AS Wormitail and try to find more passages, to insure we got all.” Peter chimed in.

”Perfect! Just Perfect! Worms good Idea. Moons would it be ok if I Join you at the library?”

”Sure prongs i don't mind” Remus Said, while getting Out parchement. ”So we'll need someone to do the drawing since Padfoot IS the best at that from us He'll do that.”

”Aye, Aye Captain” Sirius sang happily.

”Good now prongs and I will mainly Take Care of the Magic and Research while Peter you will Check for every Secret Passage.” Remus went on.

”Ooh I Just Had an Idea!what If we'd make it insult every one that would try to use it with Out a Password.”Sirius Said fully in his element now.

”Good Idea! I think I know some spells that would Work. What would be the Passwort tho?”James Said.

”I don't know Something with mistchive and Maybe Like you swear IT...”Sirus Thought Out loud.

”Ooh how about I solemly swear to create Tons of mistive?” Peter Said.

”Good start pete, but we could Switch up the ending Like...that i am Up to No good?” Remus Said.

”Ooh i Love that! “I solemly swear that I am up to no good.“ Just perfect”Peter Said exidetly.

”Than it's Set roles are given, ground plan is Made, Password is decidet. Let's create a master piece everybody!”

And now they talked talked allot, Made Plans and so on, untill in the far they're able to See Hogwarts.


Sorry another short chapter I really don't know what to do with them in the train arghh. Well we got James's POV and the Marauders. I am Not Sure when they created the Map and If they turned in third or fourth year Bit in this Story it's Just this way ok? Now No worries i know what the Marauders Fans are Here for and You will get Angst soon i think latest in Chapter 6.
Have a great day/good night. Thats IT from me Bye!

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