Chapter 3: The Mist

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Me and Bayley stay on top of the boat house but i wake up with the feeling something was watching us and something was but it leaves

"Thats gonna be a problem in the morning" I say

-That morning-

"Alrighty lets head to that medical shed, could be useful but fastest way over there is by boat and well heres a decent sized boat" I say

"Shouldnt we use it to get home" Kenji says

"If you want to drag this boat halfway across the island, and gather all YOUR stuff on it be my guest" I say rolling my eyes

"You better watch it kid" He says

"Ugh here we go again, first off im way stronger than you and Second without me you would probably be dead, so if you have a problem please keep it to yourself cause We Do Not Care" I say and he gets quiet

Everyone starts gathering things on the boat but the ground begins to shake

"I knew it" I say

A large Suchomimus stalks from the forest behind us

"Guys in the boat...GO NOW" I yell

The Sucho roars and charges, we make it to the water and everyone cheers

"Uh we shouldnt be cheering right now" I say

"Why?" Maya asks

"Thats Why" I say as the Sucho ducks under water and pops back behind us

"You guys go, ill destract it" Bayley says as she jumps on the back of the Sucho which agitates it

"BAYLEY WAIT" Emorie trys yelling but it was too late

The Sucho claws her side and bites her leg and we all hear a loud crack, Bayley yells in pain, and the Sucho slams her into the water

"Shes gonna drown from a broken leg..." I say

I look over to Emorie who had tears streaming down her cheeks

"No ill save her" I say

I dive into the water and see Bayleys body on the Lake floor

"Just hang on" I say

I grab her shirt and swim quickly back to the surface. The others were still fending off the Sucho till they reached the shore

"Just hang on Bayley, just Hang on" I say

Once we reach the shore Bayley starts coughing up water and pretty much all of it gets in my face

"Oops" She says and she has Tears in her eyes

"Emorie, Kenji and Asia, Take Bayley into the shed, try stopping her from bleeding, and try to wrap her leg until i can get to it" I say

They nod and i run up to the Sucho

"Jay im so glad your ok" Maya says

I look into the eyes of the Sucho filled with rage, I close my eyes and then im the same size as the Sucho but it felt like I

"Woah" Was all i heard

I roar loudly and the Sucho roars back, I circle the Sucho and its challenging me, It charges at me and bites my neck, i roar loudly in agony. I swing back and bite its arm causing it to let go of me, it scratches me across the eye just barely missing my eyeball but leaving a mark

"Thats gonna need stitches soon" I say

I bite the Sucho by his neck and i start slamming it against trees, i then slam it against the ground. It looks at me and dives back into the water. I turn to my human form and everyone just stared at me

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