Chapter 27: The Final Fight

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Things were not going to plan...Tens of thousands of Nomu's were coming out of the ground...Mando was stronger than normal and projecting himself through the air just by moving parts of his body

"Shawn...your with me" I say as I start jumping building to building

"Jay where are you going?!?!" I over hear Uraraka yell

"Uh...I forgot something" I say

"So they don't know huh?" Shawn asks

"Nope" I say

Once we break free from the others we see the entire city was flattened.....Endeavor was trying to beat Mando on his own while Eraser was stoping Mando from using his quirk

"Finally you decided to show up" Mando says locking eyes with me

I look at the amount of bloodshed that he had done. Deku was also pissed.

"Give me One For All...Izuku Midorya" Shigaraki says

"Welcome Master" Mando says nodding

"Good thing you were able to hold them off without killing anyone" Shigaraki says

"Shawn...You Help/Protect Deku and take down Shigaraki...Mando's mine" I say

Eraser had lost one leg...Todoroki had stab wounds but kept standing

"Such.....Unnecessary Bloodshed" They both say

"Welp...I'm gonna kill them now" I say as my mask turns black

"Isnt that your brother?" Shawn asks

"Don't care...Still gonna kill him...His blood will be unnecessary" I say

"Shigaraki's mine..." Deku says

"Form 3 50%" I say and theres a strain on my body but I can still move

"One For All: Full Cowling 50%" Deku says and my eyes widen of the thought that he made it to 50%

Mando grins and looks at Shigaraki

"Let loose little brother" Shigaraki says

"Its about time for me to show my true power" Mando says

He begins yelling and energy forms on his body

"Meet Rose Mando" Shigaraki says

"Sudden Death Beam" Mando says

"DEKU MOVE" I say pushing him out the way


Our beams clash but I wasnt fst enough and it hits me

"My turn" I say glitching behind him

"MORTEM GATLING" I say punching Mando 300 times at the speed of light

"Nice try" He says grabing me and he dives to the ground

He slams my head to the ground. I cough up blood but I jump to my feet.

"E-Whip" I say grabbing Mando

"MORTEM.....SMASH" I yell punching Mando

"ULTIMATE....MORTEM SMASH" I say again but this time I kick him into the air

"Bastard" He says


Arms of Mochi begin to hit me mid air

"Mochi Buzzcut" He says again

I cant move but once I'm slammed to the ground..I feel my rib crack

–I'm Lending you my power...This is your fight not mine– Devalos says

"Mortal whip" I say grabbing Mando

"Thats 20 years off your life" I say

"Rokugan" Mando says Teleporting to me and gut punching me with a giant gust of wind

At this point My arms were destroyed...My ribs were messed up

"Gotta..Keep goin..."I say as I rip my mask off and throw it to the ground

I stand up and pull out my 3 Swords

"King of Hell...Three Sword Serpant: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation" I say as I jump into the air

This move hopefully would end it, Using all of my sword Techniques and putting it into 1 Ultimate move

"Divine-" Mando starts

"No more..." I say as I drive my sword into his body. Blood running down my arms

"Just kidding" He says grabbing the sword and stabbing me with it

He throws me to the ground. I look up and see Deku destroying Shigaraki.

"Onyx, are you ok?" I hear Bakugo ask

"I'm...Fine" I say

"Divine Lasso" Mando says grabbing me and yanking me to him

"Nighty Night" He says

Spikes come out of my body and they explode. I fall to the groundjust about dead.

"Think what could happen if they get One For All" The voice says

I snap back to reality...and my fist turns black

"Master....UPPER" I yell as my fist connects with Mando sending him flying

"Master...DEVESTATION" I yell

Once Mando is low enough I punch him sending him crashing to the ground. Mando didn't get up but a part of his body was covered in blood.

"I'" I say turning anger into power

"OMEGA DEVESTATION" I yell Diving to the ground and connecting my fist with Mando's head slamming it to the ground

His power had disappeared...I took this as my chance

"SMASH....SMASH....SMASH....SMASH....SMASH....SMASH....SMASH....SMASH" I say beating on Mando

My arms were burtally injured but I continued to beat him. Mando's body became my punching bag. He was bleeding a whole lot bt this time it didn't phase me

"For Bayley...For those you killed...for EVEERYONE" I yell

I punch him again but before I could go again Endeavour, Todoroki and Shawn grab me

"Thats enough" Endeavour says

I feel my adrenaline draining but I stand up and begin to walk away. I make it back to where I was orignally placed with Uraraka, Creaty (Momo) and a few other Heros

"Your all safe" I say as I'm about to passout


I see a huge Giant running this way

"I got it" Hawks says

"Mortal Push" I say and the Giant is Knocked backwards

"Hey there pretty boy" Himiko says pouncing on me knife in hand

"What are you doing here" I say holding back the knife with whatever strenght I had left in my arms

"Jay I got you" Uraraka says tackling Toga

"Jay you gotta get to a Hospital" MoMo says

"No...No...N...o" I say as the world begins spinning

"You did good kid" Thali says

"Well Done Young Davis" All Might says lifting me up

I passout bloodloss and all. Did I kill Mando...No although I wanted Too I couldn't. I don't think I'll return to U-I for the 2nd Semester, all the other students had too but I wasnt.

The Vigilante Arc Has Just Begun...

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