Chapter 10: Departure

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It has been 3 days since I had to kill Shawn Chisuke. Himiko Toga would stick around with us, sometimes she would be holding a knife to my neck and other times she'd try and cuddle with me when I'm sleep

"Hey guys I seen a empty boat on the southern dock, we can use it to get home" I say in an excited voice charging through the door

"Is it fueled up?" Mando asks

"Not sure, i only seen it from affar" I add

"Well what are we waiting for, lets grab our stuff and gooo" Dylan says jumping up and down

Everyone cheers accept Kamil. Instead she looked upset/scared. Himiko just starts talking to herself while casuallys looking at me and blushing

"Don't worry Kam, it will be fine" I say with a smile

We all pack what we needed and head for the dock. On the way there I turn into my Raptor form and run circles around everyone. A bit later we here a soft call.

"What was that?" Maya asks


"There it is again" LeRon says

We look at a bush and out pops a baby Carnotaurus

"O M G ITS SO CUTE" Emorie says

The Carno slowly backs up and looks at each of us. Once its gave landed on me it runs up to me and hides behind me.

"Awe he feels safe around Jay" Bayley says

"How about we name you...Toro" I say rubbing the baby on its head

We continue to the boat and once we get there everyone looks at the different rooms and choses their room.

"Wait who here can drive a boat" I ask

"I can, My dad showed me how...that was like the only time we spent time with each other" Kenji says looking to the floor

"Sounds Good. I'm gonna make a last minute run back to the Hotel to make sure we got everything" I say turning into a Raptor

"Mind if I join you?" Maya asks

I nod and she hops on my back. I speed into the jungle with Maya holding on tight

"Your fast arent you" She laughs

I snort and run even faster. Once we reach the Hotel Maya goes to check the other rooms and I stay in the main room. I sit there and think about something thats been on my mind for awhile from before my days of Camp Cretaceous.

"Who is my special person?" I asked myself

My mind continued to wander. I didn't even know if this was something I wanted. Sure i've always thought about it but now it seemed like something I was missing. It continued to bother me even though I didnt have a reason for it to.

"Jay you ready?" Maya asks stepping from the hallway. Something seemed different about her

"Hmm? Oh yeah lets get back to the others" I say turning into my Ceratosaurus

By the time we get back it was already getting dark. Everyone was on the boat accept Mando and Bayley

"Where's Mando and Bayley?" I ask

"Mando asked Bayley if she wanted to go see the last sunset on the island" Kamil says with hearts in her eyes

"I guess he has rizz afterall" I muttered

"Is Maya ok?" Darius asks

"Yea she fell asleep on the way here" I say laying her in her room

"We can probably make it home my morning" Kenji says

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