Chaper 26: Keep Going At It.

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Thali had been training me every night for the past 2 weeks. The rest of the hero's had been training me during the day. My classmates weren't holding back during the lessons.

"Jay lets go" Thali says

I meet her outside and I feel my muscles straining and it was hard to move

"You may start when ready" She says

I go Form 3 but I cant hold the form for long

"When was the last time you slept" Thali asks

"2 weeks ago" I say

"Go get some sleep, we will continue tomorrow night" Thali says disappearing

I don't make it back to my dorm...I lean up on a tree and fall asleep. I wake up exactly 15 hours later.

"Good your up" Eraser says

My powers were restored and my mobility was back to normal....but I felt...stronger...Much Stronger. My body was more built and defined than it was the night before.

"Ready for your lesson?" Eraser says
"Yup" I nod

We reach the gym...I see All Might standing there

"In todays'll be going up against All Might and he wont be holding shouldn't either" Eraser says

–Swords wont work in this fight...they will either get smashed. Igotta Use Shadowzone, Form 3 and my Dinosaur forms– I thought to myself

"Form 3...20%" I say I feel my body begin to strain but moving wasn't a problem

–Good for now– I thought

"Enhancement Haki" I say and my arms become a shiny red

"Shadowzone Evolution 2" I say

"He's stacking his forms to match their power" I hear Deku say

"Lets do this" I say feeling a bit of pain

"Electric Pounce" I say using E-Claw

All Might dodges and grabs my shirt, he begins to spin me in circle and throws me into a wall

"DETROIT SMASH" All Might says coming at me

"MORTEM SMASH" I yell as our fists connect

I'm set flying backwards and I slam into a wall. I cough up blood, I see Eraser about to end it but I shake my head no.

"My turn...This is a real combo" I say

All Might charges again

"MORTEM....UPPER" I say punching All Might and sending him flying in the air

"Mortal Whip" I say grabbing All Might mid air and draging him back to me

"ULTIMATE....MORTEM....DEVESTATION" I yell and as soon as All Might is close enough I slam my fist into him and send him flying through the wall

"Mortal Whip" I say again grabbing All Might and yanking him to me

"MORTEM BARRAGE" I say hitting him over 200 times at the speed of light

"Enough games" All Might says coughing up blood

I jump back

"DELAWARE SMASH" He yells as he charges at me as he tackles me

He dashes and punches me farther and farther


–Fine...just win the fight– I say

Devalos POV

"Finally...Its my turn to shine" I said

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