Chapter 16: Reality

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After finally explaining my true story. That night I use my Raptor form and run to the lake since I couldn't sleep. I hear crying when I reach the lake.

" maybe Maya or Dylan...maybe even Asia" I said hiding in the bushes

"You can comeout y'know, I know your there" Kamil says through her tears

I walk up to her cautiously in my Raptor form and I turn back to normal and sit down

"I could hear you crying from a mile away so I came to check on you" I say with a chuckle

"I thought you couldn't stand to seen females in pain" Kamil asks instantly

"Of course I can't" I say

"Then why didn't you stop AJ from nearly killing me? Why are you doing all of this? I lost my path for a bit but now you've lost yours" She says getting mad but I could tell she was hurt

"Look...I haven't been truthful about my real background...To make a long story short...I-I've killed people, A lot of people...I haven't been able to make up for it, Thats why I'm doing revice the power needed to get you guys home" I say looking to the ground

"How many did you kill" She asks

"A School full of people...and my parents" I say as tears start dripping out of my eyes at the thought of it

"You didn't mean to kill them...right?" She asks with a look of saddness on her face

"No it was a mistake...I didn't know I had powers as a kid, It was a mistake, I was put on death row at 10 years old, I didn't want to hurt anyone...I just didn't want to be alone...I-" I say as my heart starts racing and my breathing had sped up but I stop when Kamil wraps her arms around me

"Take it easy...everything is gonna be alright, your not alone anymore, you got me, Mando, Maya, Asia and Bayley...I might not understand why your doing this but I know you and if you think this is the right way to go then i'll believe you" Kamil says hugging me tighter

"Why aren't you mad...Why don't you hate me, I'm always hated...why...why do you even want me still alive" I asked

"Because everyone needs their leader, friend, brother...Jay I need you" Kamil says looking me in the eyes

We hear a bellow and a herd of Brachiosaurus's was walking a few feet infront of us

"Kamil...your problably the best friend I could ever ask for, Thank You...for everything even not giving up on me" I say with a smile as I run back ito the forest and back to Shawns hideout

"Good your back" Shawn says when i arrive

"Were you waiting on me of something?" I ask

"Yes, we're going to boss Grind, we're gonna need levels if we're gonna get outta here" He says

"Why are we even here in the first place" I ask

"I'm the reason your here, you came here to revive me and now that im back...once we get back to the real world, I'll become a Viglante and I'll be unstopable" Shawn says

"Look I see what your doing and its a valid reason...but i can't be apart of it...I appreciate the power but I wanna get my friends home" I say

"I get can go back to them...but don't get in my way" He warns

"Make that new power your own" AJ says

I leave and return to camp. I notice then went from a wood base to a Stone Base and it was a lot bigger than before

"Here goes nothing" I say knocking on the door

"ITS OPEN YOU IDIOT" Mando yells

I start laughing as I walk in

"Mando we good?" I ask

"Yeah, I know why you joined them, it was a valid reason so im not mad" He says

"Jay do you wanna do a 4 vs 2" LeRon asked

"Why not...MAndo you in??" I ask

"Sure lets not do them to dirty though" Mando says and we fist bump

It was Kenji, LeRon, Emorie and Maya vs Me and Mando

"Lets have some fun" I say turning into a rex and roaring loudly

"Remember the plan?" I overhear LeRon say

"Sound amplification" Emorie says as she slams her fists to the ground and knocks me and Mando off our feet

"Transform" LeRon says turning into a 3 headed Dragon

Maya starts making a portal and Darius starts breathing venom into it

"Jay you might want to move" Mando says looking behind me

"Use Observation Haki" I say

We both dodge the venom and activate our Enhancement haki

"Armament Hardening" I say as my hands become a shiny black

"You guys forgot I could chage my fighting I've been finding more powers as ive been exploring" I say with a grin

Instead of my eyes turning purple...they turn yellow and a vortex of light forms around me

" the real match starts" I say as I place my hand on Mando's head and I transfer some of my power to him

"Transformation" We both say

I turn into my Mortem Rex (The Ultimate Dinosaur Form) and MAndo turns into a Dragon

"Aqua Stream" Kenji says shooting a beam of water at us

Emorie starts yelling, Maya creates a beam of darkness, and LeRon shoots Venom from his mouth

"Breath of Fire" Mando says and he shoots fire from his mouth

He looks at me asking for plates start charging...smokefalls from my mouth, I open my mouth and a beam of energy leaves my mouth

"Atomic Breath" I say

All of our abilities collide for a few seconds.

"EVERYBODY HOLD ON" I yell as our abilities cause an explosion

"Heh we win" Mando says

"Hahaha whose next?" I laugh

"That would be us" Kamil, Bayley and Asia say

"Hmmmm Half Hot Half Cold, Magma, and a master Gunwoman" I say

"Might be a tough one" Mando says

"That means we go all out" I say pulling out all 3 swords

"Heythis isnt fair you guys are already level 1300, and we are level 1000" Mando says


"Yeah we all are" Darius says

"Boss Grind after this?" Mando asks

"Yeah...then we fight the strongest boss in the game...thats how we get out of here" I say

I hear a roar and see Toro running with a dead homosephli in his mouth

"Ohhh thats a good boy, your getting so big" I say petting him

He goes to eat his prize

"Now...Lets do this thing" Mando says

It was almost the end...we were about to finally get home..but thats the thing that scared me most

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