Chapter 25: Control

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I hadn't tried to get passed All Might again...I had learned my lesson

"Jay look at this" Midorya says turning up the TV

"Hello Class...Hello Jay...I'm surprised you haven't come to find me yet" Mando says

I ball up my fist and Uraraka grabs it

"Your really just gonna let people die huh? Be a them if you can..or is it...that your scared of me...that you know you cant beat me" He says snapping his fingers as he beheads someone

He flips a switch and someone who was tied upside down was slowley being dropped head first into a bucket of water

"Turn it off..." Momo says noticing the smoke froming my eyes

"Its so sad...they needed a hero but no one came to save them" Mando says

The persons who had their head in a bucket of water began to move until...their body went limp

"So sad" Mando says with a evil grin

I turn off the TV...stand up and walk the other way

"Oh looky here the low life Jay from Class 1-Z, what are you doing in our way when clearly you should be in the trash where you belong-" I pick him up by his shirt

"Get...out of my way" I say

He passes out and I drop him to the ground

"Wow thats a easier way to get him to Shut up" A Girl says

"Woah..." I said in complete shock

"Hey I'm Itsuka Kendo" She says with a smile

"I-I'm Jay...Nice to meet you" I say

Mineta began being Pervy as normal...I just kick him to the side

"Nice to meet you too...maybe we will see each other more so we could get to know each other, I don't know about you but I think it would be...Fun" She says winking then smiling as she walks off

"Good to see you still alive" Shawn says

"Yeahright back at you" I say

I continue to my room and collapse on my bed. A hour or so later I get a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say still half sleep

"Huh...since when did your bed get bigger" Maya asks as she plops down on my back

I groan in pain

"So you wanted to talk?" I as pushing her on her bac ask I sat up

"Its about Mando...your taking this surprisingly well" She says

"Only cause I know that people are gonna die If i dont get to save him" I say

"Well he's apart of the leauge of villans so its gonna be hard to do...esspecislly after I heard the Pros talking about how him and the leader Tomura Shigaraki got an upgrade on their quirks...Now whatever Shigaraki touches is destroyed...and now Mando can destroy a entire city in 3 hits" Maya explains leaning on my shoulder

"I guess your right...If im gonna pull this off..I'm gonna need a plan" I say

"And back up, me and you can handle Mando, the others can handle the rest" Maya says

"I hope your right...I'm not losing anyone else" I say

"Ok...come on lets go eat" Maya says walking out the room

-You should stop neglecting me and let me end this problem- Devalos says inside me

-No...i'm never letting you control me...not agai- I say

"Jay come outside" All Might says

Mt Lady, Endevor, Hawks, Eraser Head, Midnight and All Might were there waiting

"Uhh is something wrong..." I say hesitant to step outside

"No we just need to chat" Mt Lady says

They lead me to the gym

"Why are we here?" I ask

"We're going to be getting your brother back in 4 weeks...and we're gonna need your help...but you aren't ready" Endevor says

"I told them how you were able to fight me and nearly win...the principal says your going to be needed" All Might explains

"In these 4-5 weeks you will be improving your skills to become unstoppable...the othr students will help you so dont be surprised if I tell them to fight you" Mr Izawa says

"You can't be seen fighting with your face showing so a hero costume is needed...Make it upgradeable and i needed we can help" Mt Lady says

"Your a special hero risk your life for others...If you accept and agree too help us, not only will you get your brother back...but you will save lives" All Might says

"I accept..even if i means I have to fight my brother" I say

"Good...Mountain Lady...take him back" Eraser says

She grows macive and throws me 3 miles back to the dorms and I land on my feet surprisingly

"Superhero Costumes" I say to myself

I start designing and I had 3 options to choose from. I put my note book away and lay on my back

"This power...I gotta learn how to control it...or I'm gonna die fighting Mando" I say

"Keep thinking like that or your never gonna beat him" A figure said standing at my door

"Who are you" I ask

"The #3 hero Thali, but you can call me Thalia" She says

"The #3 hero...your quirks are Love and Arms" I say

"Now get dressed and meet me outside...If you want to get stronger you need to train more and longer and harder" She says teleporting out my window

I meet her outside

"Now show me your 3 strongest attacks" She says

"Form 3...10%" I say

I look to her and see her nodding then writing something down

"ULTIMATE....MORTAL....DEVESTATION" I yell but she blows a kiss at me and I turn to stone

"I you want to hit me with your strongest tacks...your gonna have to earn it" She says

My training had just began...but Mando was getting stronger by the minute...this was probably gonna be the end of my story...but we will I can do now is accept Thali's nightly training.

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