Chapter 19: Let's Get Down To Buisness

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I wake up the next morning still in my Pyroraptor form. I do a little yawn and when my vision cleared I seen every girls in our class spamming photos of me. I tilt my head like a dog trying to figure out whats going on

"AWW" The all say

I look down and see Toro copying my every move

"That makes more sense" I say turning to my normal form

Toro stands up and is my height

"How did you even fit in here" I ask perplexed

I look over and see the door widened

"I see" I say

"JAY WHOS THE CUTIE" The girls yell since I completely forgot they were standing there

"Oh...this is my friend Toro, I met him as a baby 2 years ago" I say

"Awwwww he's so cute" Uraraka says

"Class starts in 15 minutes, make sure you fuel up, your going to be using your powers/quirks a whole lot" Eraser says

I give toro some meat from the kitchen. Everyone meets outside behind the school

"Alright, time to test your abilities" Eraser says

"Hmm seems as though our physical abilities are aligned with our powers" I thought to myself

"Bakugo see how far you can throw this baseball" Eraser says

"Yeah whatever" He says

He throws it 781.1 miles

"Jay your next" Eraser says

"Alrighty then" I say grabbing the ball

-This might hurt- I thought already feeling a strain in my arm

"Advancement Haki, E-Claw, Stage 2, Stack on right" I say and my right arm is fully powered up but it didnt change its appearance like it used to

As I am about to throw the ball I feel my power drain out of me and the ball only goes a few yards

"What the?"I say confused

"Don't purposely injure yourself, if you cant control your powers them you shouldn't have them at all" Eraser says his eyes glowing red

"Your not the first person to tell me I shouldn't even have powers" I say

"Alright one last try" He says

"Advancement Haki, E-Claw, Stage 2, Stack on right hand" I say and my hand starts sparking with electricity

I launch the ball with everything I had and I threw the ball so hard I knocked a few trees down

"1929.9 Miles, good work" Eraser says

"And I only broke my wrist with that" I say holding up my hand but then wincing in pain

"Uraraka take him to Med Girl since you've already completed your turn" Eraser says

"Nah I'll go after Mando goes his turn" I say as my hand slowly becomes bruised

"Jay you really need to get that fixed" Uraraka says

"Aragament Hardening" I say and my hand becomes a shiny black and stronger than metal

"Clever" Eraser says

Mando uses a whip made of Mochi, tosses the ball in the air, grabs it with his whip

"Flame Enbodiment" He says and his body is covered in flames

He launches the ball

"2000 Miles" Eraser says

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