Sway to the Rhythm of Love

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You honestly didn't know why you signed up for dance classes. You couldn't remember the step for the life of you, you didn't like most of the other class members, and you didn't like the music choice most of the time. And the best part about it all was that your mother wouldn't let you quit because, "I spent a shit ton of money on you for this dance class, so you're staying in it for the time being whether you like it or not!" So there you were, trying to keep up with the others, almost ready to scream out in frustration and run away from the god forsaken place.

"All right, you can stop the routine. We need to discuss the dance segment where you need a partner," the dance instructor, Miss Diana, called out. She was a small, older woman with short, curly black hair that was shot through with streaks of silver. Quite frankly, you didn't know how she was still able to teach after so long, but she could dance like no other.

Everyone sat down on the wooden floor, and listened as she listed off the partners. You were hardly listening because, honestly, you didn't care who your dance partner was...although there is that hot looking guy with the sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He seems nice enough.

"Katie with Ethan, Lily with Caleb, Hannah with Cooper, Jade with Carter, Shelby with Dennis, Summer with Drake, Faith with Ryan, Gracie with Kolby, and (Y/N) with Robbie!" You heard her finish off. She put down her clipboard, clapped her hands together, and proceeded to say, "Alright, time to get acquainted with your partner! We continue in five minutes."

Everyone started to get up and talk amongst each other when a thought hit you. You didn't even know this Robbie guy was. You don't talk to most of these people on a regular basis. Hell, you've hardly said two words to anybody in here, save for Miss Diana, so why even make an effort to remember names?

As you stood there, trying to figure out what to do, you feel a tap on your shoulder and you jump and whirl around to see the guy you had been thinking about earlier.
"Hi, you're (Y/N) right? I'm Robbie, I'm gonna be your dance partner " he says, smiling and revealing near perfect teeth.

So this was your dance partner, you thought. How convenient.
For the rest of the class, the two of you practiced keeping your arms in hold position and keeping your heads up. You kept stumbling, but Robbie would give you tips to help and would encourage you to keep moving, and by the end of the session you had improved a bit. Not a lot, but you would get there eventually.

~(-_-)~ *small time skip* ~(-_-)~

You stood outside the studio, waiting for your friend to come pick you up, when Robbie ran up to you. "Hey, um, this might sound weird since we just started talking and all that, but would you like to go to Starbucks with me? I'll pay," he stammered slightly, face turning a light shade of pink and he averted his gaze to the ground.
So he has a crush on you. Even more convenient.

You grin at his sudden shyness and reply, "Sure, that sounds nice."

A/N: Sorry about the abrupt ending. but it's been so long since I've written anything, and I couldn't come up with a decent end to the story. I hope you guys like this and I'm sorry it's so short. Thank you guys for all the support you've given! danceprincess199 I hope this is okay! I tried my best, and I'm so sorry that it took so long!

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