Our Future

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It was late, and you couldn't sleep. You were in your PJs, sitting on the concrete at the edge of Robbie's pool. Your pj pants were rolled up to your knees, and you had your legs hanging over the side of the pool, the cold water giving you goosebumps. You snapped out of your thoughts as the porch light turned on behind you. Quickly looking backwards, you see Robbie leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack when I woke up to find your side of the bed empty." He was trying to sound serious, but was failing miserably due to the fact that he had a huge smile plastered on his face. He then walked toward you and sat down beside you, legs crossed. Robbie stared at you for a moment, his green eyes looking into your (E/C) ones. Finally, he asks, "Why are you out here?"

You shrug your shoulders, looking away from his intense gaze. "I don't know, exactly. I just can't sleep." You glance back at Robbie out of the corner of your eyes. He had shifted his attention to the ripples in the pool caused by the soft breeze blowing. He caught you completely off guard, though, when he suddenly says, "I know you're looking at me." You glare at him, but you end up smiling before too long, and he laughs softly. He scoots closer, and entwined his fingers with yours.

You both sit in silence for a couple of minutes, before Robbie clears his throat, and says, "You're over thinking something. It's causing you stress, and I think that's why you can't sleep." He lets go of your hand, and wraps his arm around your waist. "Please tell me what's bothering you so much, love."

You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder. "Robbie , I honestly didn't think that our relationship would get this serious. We've been dating for over a year, and we're at the age that we could both get married. We'd be a little young, but we could. I'm scared, though. I don't know what's going to happen, and I'm terrified that something is gonna tear what we have apart."

Robbie's grip tightened a little bit on your waist. "You don't have to be afraid of all of these things," he says in a protective tone. You lift your head, and stare into his eyes, debating whether this topic was even worth arguing over. Robbie beat you to the answer, though, and says, "Whatever happens, it'll be good. I know it will. Try to think about now, (Y/N). Whatever happens will happen, and as long as I still have you, I'm not gonna worry. You're all that matters to me."

You smile and close your eyes, nuzzling your head into his shoulder once more. Robbie picks you up, and carries you back inside, down the hall and into his room, setting you down gently on the bed. Robbie pulls the sheets over you, then leans down and kisses your cheek. "I can't see anyone by my side except you, he whispers, then climbs under the covers beside you. It seamed as if Robbie's reassurance had triggered the tiredness that wouldn't come. Sleep was calling to you, its pleas getting harder and harder and harder to resist. And as you slowly drifted off, you felt Robbie put his arm around you, and say "One day I would love to be married to you." His words echoed through your head as you finally embraced the darkness that was so desperately reaching for you.

Author's Note: OMG MY WRITER'S BLOCK IS FRICKIN GONE!!!!!!!! This story was probably THE BEST comeback since Twinkies!!! lol j/k. Anyways, this was so hard to write considering school started three weeks ago and that's about the time I started writing this so I could clear up my writer's block. It was extremely difficult because I couldn't come up with any amazing ideas, and they've been giving us homework since the second day of school, which SUCKS!!!!!!!! But seriously my writer's block is long gone. SO BRING ON THE REQUESTS!!!!!!! I'm sorry, I'm just really hyped up right now cuz of this!

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