Morning Hangover

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You woke up with your head pounding, and your stomach feeling like it was doing somersaults. You groaned, and opened your eyes, squinting against the late-morning sunlight filtering through the blinds. You slowly realized that your head was laying on top of someone's bare chest, and you moved your head to see it was your boyfriend Robbie. His arm was wrapped around your waist, and he was snoring softly.

Smiling, you pull yourself up, and you kiss his nose. His snoring ceases, and he smiles too. "Good morning (y/n)," he says softly with his adorable morning voice. You groan again as your stomach knots up in pain. "Not that good. My head hurts like I got hit with a sledgehammer, and my stomach feels really knotted up," you reply, laying your head back on his chest.

"You should be," he retorts. "We both got drunk last night. But I only had three, whereas you had so many shots you were almost passed out." You groan again. He chuckles and you can feel the sound vibrate through his chest. "Just go back to sleep," he says softly, resting his free hand on the top of your back. "You need it." He rubs small circles on your back as you slip back into darkness.

A/N: Okay, for the first imagine on this, that actually turned out really well. It's late, so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes. I typed this on my phone, so if there's any odd autocorrections, I'll fix them when I check this for errors.

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