I Love You

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"It's over! I can't take you acting like everything has to be about you anymore!" you screamed at you boyfriend. Scratch that, ex-boyfriend. "Now get out of my house!"

"You know what?!" he yelled back. "Goodbye and good riddance!"He snatched his jacket off the couch, and without looking back, walked out the door. You stood silently as you listened to his car starting, him pulling out of your driveway, and the sound of the engine fading as he drove away.

When his car finally got out of earshot, you sank to the floor, tears streaming from your eyes. You wrapped you arms around your legs, buried your head into your knees, and started sobbing. You don't know how long you sat on the floor crying, so after a while you looked up and saw that it had been an hour. The sound of your phone ringing snapped you out of your thoughts, and pulled pulled it out of your pocket to see who it was. Your best friend Robbie's ID popped up, so you answered.

"Robbie, I'm not exactly in the mood for chatting," you say, trying and failing to keep your voice from wobbling.

"Why are you crying? You know what, never mind. I'll be there in five minutes." He hangs up before you can even say a word.

You loosen your grip on the phone, and it slides out of your hand. It hits the wooden floor with a thump, and you bury your head back in your knees. Pretty soon you hear a knock on the front door. "It's unlocked," you call out. You hear the doorknob turn, and Robbie's voice call out softly, "(Y/N)?"

You look up, and say hoarsely, "Hey, Robbie." He quickly walks towards you and pulls you up off of the floor. Unexpectedly, he then pulls you into a hug. You rest your chin on his shoulder, and nuzzle your face into his neck. "I'm glad you're here," you say softly.

"Who did this to you? Who made you cry?" he asks quietly, but sternly. "I'll make sure they never come around you again."

You're hesitant to answer, but after a few seconds you say," It was my boyfriend. Wegot in a fight, and I ended up dumping him." He pulls out of the hug, and holds you at arm's length.

"I don't know why he would hurt an angel like you, but I'll make sure he doesn't do it again." You stare at each other for a moment, and he reaches up and brushes a strand of hair out of your eyes. "You're beautiful, you know that right?" he says. You blush, and look down. He lifts your chin up with his hand, and looks you deep in the eyes. "Please don't be embarrassed, because I meant every word. I've liked you for a very long time."

You stand there, shocked. "Robbie...I don't know what to say. I'm touched at what you said, but why didn't you tell me before now?"

He blushes, and says," I guess I was afraid at what you would say. You always seemed interested in other guys, so I never said anything." He starts to lean in, ans stops when your foreheads are touching. "I love you, (Y/N). I just didn't know how to say it until now," He says, then closes the distance between the both of you.

At first you're surprised, but you slowly start to kiss back. Your lips move in the same rhythm as Robbie's, and you snake your hands through his hair. The kiss was slow and passionate, but all too soon you had to break away from him due to lack of air. "Does this mean we're dating?" you ask, out of breath. He nods, and leans in again, capturing your lips in another kiss. He wraps his arms around your waist, and stumbles backwards as you press your body against his. You both fall over the arm of the couch when his leg hits the side of it. "Oops," he says, laughing. You can't help but giggle too.

You both lay there and talk for hours, and you drift off a little before he does. He smiles at your sleeping form "Sweet dreams, (Y/N). I'll love you more than you'll ever know." And with that, he drifts into darkness, the smile still plastered to his face.

A/N: OMG OMG OMG AFTER HAVING AN INTENSE THREE HOUR WRITING SESSION LAST NIGHT, I FINALLY FINISHED THIS IMAGINE!!!!!!!!!!!! It ended up being wwwwaaaaaayyyyyyy longer than I originally planned on making it! IT TOOK UP LIKE SEVEN PAGES IN MY NOTEBOOK!!!!!!!! Anywho, I found a picture that sorta kinda goes with my imagine, and you HAVE to listen to the song while reading this!!!! "She Keeps me Warm" by Mary Lambert is my favorite song, and I was listening to this while writing, and I had one of those "AHA!!!!!" moments. It fit perfect with the story!!!!!! Anyways, I really hope you guys love this!!! THIS TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE!!!!!! Stupid schedule. XP This imagine is for @oncerfanforlife.

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