To the Rescue

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Everything seemed perfectly fine that morning. Peter was letting the Lost Boys take a break that day so they could mess around and blow off some steam, and you had decided to join them. You were the only girl, of course, but you could get to being as rowdy as they could. That was probably why Peter loved you so much. You didn't take any bullshit from anyone, even Peter, and you could hold your own in nearly any situation.

It was just your luck that everyone was playing hide and seek and you happened to have been found by pirates. Captain Hook's pirates to be exact.

You tried to fight back, you really did, but when one of them held a razor sharp knife to you neck, it was all over with and you gave them no more trouble as they made their way back to their ship.

You sat tied to the mast, dozens of filthy pirates surrounding you, taunting you and calling you names. Hook stood in front of you, smirking. "To whom do I owe the the pleasure of visiting such a pirate as Mr. Captain Hook?" you taunt, wiggling your wrists to try and loosen up the rope's grip.

He knelt down by you and grabbed your shoulder firmly. "That would be the same man you just spoke of," he snarled. His eyes looked void of any emotion; completely dead. Hook swiftly stood back up and paced in front of you, every footstep thudding against the wooden deck of the Jolly Roger with a hollow thunk.

"So this wasn't just some on-the-fly scheme of "Oh hey there's the girl that's affiliated with Peter Pan so to hell with it, we'll capture her just 'cause?" you ask incredulously, raising one eyebrow. You had developed the all thanks to Peter.

The pirate smiled and rolled his eyes. "No of course not, why go through all that work for nothing just so I have another mouth to feed? Hell no, I need you, as bait for your little lover boy. Once he knows you're missing, he's going to immediately know what happened and he's going to come here." Hook momentarily stops pacing and his smile vanishes, his face morphing into a look of pure hatred. "And then I can finally get my revenge for what that bastard did to my brother."

You shift uneasily. Knowing that the relationship between Captain Hook and Peter Pan was filled with hate and loathing, you could immediately tell that this was not going to go well.

"Unfortunately, mate, I do believe that you plan isn't going to work that well."

The voice abruptly cut through your thoughts and you turned your head upwards toward the sound, craning your neck left and right to see where it came from. After a second of frantically turning your head left and right,you finally spot him walking casually along the wooden beams above.

Peter Pan.

His face was smug as he stared down at the bristling pirates below and continued, "Now this can go one of two ways. Option one is that you give the girl back and nothing bad happens to anyone." He stopped walking and leaned against the mast."Option two is that you refuse and I have to hurt someone."

"Just like how you hurt my brother you bloody demon?!" Hook yelled, his single hand clenched in a fist at his side. "You'll pay for everything you've done!"

Peter's smirk disappeared. "Killian, all of the things that have happened between us are pretty terrible, I admit, but she," he gestured towards you, "has nothing to do with it. I'm standing by what I said before; let her go and I won't have to hurt anyone." He dropped down from the mast and stood protectively in front of you. "I mean it, Killian. am truly sorry for doing what I've done to you and your brother, for the pain that I've caused. If I could reverse his death, I would. For the first time in a long time, I've loved. I can't lose her. Please, you have to understand what I mean."

The tension is so thick, you could practically feel it crawling on your skin. If something wasn't figured out soon, someone was going to snap.

And who else was it going to be other than Captain Hook?

The pirate drew is sword from its sheath and all but snarled at the teenage boy, "Fuck you, you little bastard!" and lunged.

In the blink of an eye, Peter pulled a small bottle from his pocket, popped the cork off, and threw the contents at Hook.

The grown man stopped mid-stride, the sword only and inch, if even that, from Peter's chest. "What the bloody hell did you do to me?!?!" Hook screamed through clenched teeth.

"Squid ink, mate. It immobilizes those unfortunate enough to come into contact with it, and it takes quite a while to wear off," the boy remarked, stepping backward and away from the sharp object, and looked around at the other pirates.

With their leader incapacitated, they just stood in their places, not knowing what to do. Peter the turned to you and knelt down to your height. "Are you okay love, love?" he asked while untying the ropes.

"I'm fine, just a little shaken up from everything," you reply,rubbing your wrists.

"Are you sure?" he asks concernedly, helping you stand up.

"I'm perfectly fine, Peter, don't worry," you giggle.

He grins at you. It's not one of his signature smirks, but a true smile."If you say so. So now that Mr. Grumpy Pants is frozen is his goons don't have a clue what to do, how 'bout we get out of here, yeah?" He then grabs your hand and you both begin the long walk back to camp, with Hook trying to shout profanities through his teeth at your retreating backs.

"You know I love you, right?" he says, tightening his grasp on you hand slightly.

"That's only the millionth time you've told me," you joke, bumping him on the shoulder.

"Good," he said quickly and stopped you both to kiss you softly on the lips. "Then make that a million and one," he says when he pulls away. "I love you with all of my heart, and nothing will change that."

"You promise?"

"I cross my heart, (Y/N)."

A/N: hehe so like I'm sorry for being dead for so long. I really truly am. t's just so hard for me to write at this point because I get an idea and when i go to actually write it down, it's like my brain freezes and it goes ERROR 404 PAGE NOT FOUND and it's really hard to think of anything to write, even with prompts to help. So basically what I'm trying to say is that updates are most likely gonna be few and far between for the time being. I'm not giving up on this, oh hell no I refuse to do that. I'm just saying that I'll update when I have something written. A big thank you to everyone who supports me, and don't forget to vote if you liked it! This imagine is for @Zebra121314 and I really hope they like it!

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