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TW: SH, panicking, overdoing it
You walked into your bathroom after a VERY stressful day. Everyone had been arguing over different things and you had been brought into almost every single one of them. You reached under your cabinet and then got out your bag full of all your blades and opened one of them. Then you bright it down to your wrist and sliced. And again, and then a couple more times but it wasn't enough. So you decided to go deeper. You dug down into your wrist and then dragged it along and the blood started pouring. You fucked up, and badly.

You instantly started panicking and crying while simultaneously trying to calm down. You grabbed a cloth and then tried to stop the bleeding but it just kept pouring. That's when you knew you needed to tell someone. You grabbed your phone with a shake hand and then called Swiss. He instantly picked up and was very adjatated when he heard you crying. "I need help, but you can't be mad, promise me you won't be mad." You say and he replies, "I swear I will not be mad at you what's wrong y/n?" He says back sounding panicked.

"I was cutting m-m-myself, myself and it wasn't making me feel better so I went deeper and now there's blood pouring out of my arm, it won't stop, Swiss I'm scared, I don't want to die I messed up." You say crying, you hear moving on the other line and about three seconds later you hear your bedroom door opening. Then he rattled your bathroom door. "Y/n, please let me in, it's Swiss I promise I'm not mad." He says in a worried voice. You walk over and unlock it and he open it and then walks in.

"Show me." He says and you hold up your arm. "Okay, you probably need stitches, let's go to medical." He says and you nod. He hugs you tightly and then holds the cloth on your arm as you both walk to the medical suite. When you get there he tells the nurse and she sits you down and then a doctor comes over. He stitches up your arm with about 47 stitches and then sends you on your way. When you get back to your room Swiss helps you clean up all the blood in your bathroom, he wanted to do it himself but you insisted you helped. Then you cuddled and watched a movie together.

Help Me, Also Included Angsty Ghost OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now