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Omfg my mum thinks I'm completely fine and I don't wanna die and that I tell her when there's a problem. Omfg, I gonna hang myself I swear to god. HOW tf does she think im fine, she is like oh ye reasting bitch face, get rid of your resting bitch face, not my I can't be fucking arsed to be jere anymore, no apparently I just look pissed off. Yh I am at life and her.

Mhm, so later today I'm gonna fucking hang myself I swear. I already have a place and a belt, and also the belt looks fucking cool so, guess I'm going out in style. Either that or I'll chicken out and just overdose, idk. But I can't fucking so this anymore, especially not when everyone around me thinks in fine. Ugh I swear to fucking god I can't do this anymore!!!!! I'm so fucking sick of everything. Anyways, prepare for the goodbye thing I'm gonna post on my main oneshots, either today or tomorrow. Okay I probably won't, but there is a big chance I will. Maybe I should just tell my mum for her to do ABSOLUTLY FUCK ALLLL. Anyways, have a great fucking day everyone. Bye

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