🖤im not okay anymore🖤

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This is a story where y/n is a 15 year old girl (also, believe it or not, I'm not 15, if it matters to know)
You sat in your bed and then sighed. You opened your phone case and pulled out your blade. You brought ut down to your left arm after pulling down your arm warmer sleeve thing you wear and then cut, and again, and again, and as many times as you could until it hurt too much. About 25 times, eh mid. You've done more, it's line a stupid competition between yourself, well and secretly your friend, they used a different method, their scars are bigger, more visible, you crave that so bad. To see scars on your arm to prove to yourself how much of a loser you are. People say having scars means your brave, but are you that brave when there not scars.

You clean up the blood and then go on your phone and start writing, trying to make it all go away. It used to work, but now nothing works, not writing, not reading, not listening to music, not even ghost anymore. Not fataltotheflesh or anything else you've tried. It doesn't fucking work. Once you've written and published a few stories you wait. You get a few funny comments and have a small conversation in your comments with someone asking for a request, you then turn your phone off and get out of bed. You grab a back pack, and all the money you have and your only belt. It should work.

You go downstairs and then say your playing out to your mum. She says okay and then you leave through the back door and head to the furthest bus stop, still in the village. You go the long way, without roads or many people and luckily only walk into 1 person who your didn't know. (As apposed to 10? should have gone to specsavers) You reach the bus stop and then grab a snack you brought and start nibbling it, might as well not die on an empty stomach, finally feel full for the first time in, well months.

The bus arrives and you pay for a ticket to the station and then sit. You put your hood up as you drive past your house and then you get off at town. You walk down to your favorite shops, Waterstones and look for any good books. You see a few but there's no point in buying them if your not gonna live to read them. Like your mum said, 'your a lazy fucking bitch.' You really hoped you could stay around long enough to grow up and never speak to her again and be happy. You really did try but it didn't work, you can't last that long being this depressed with all these thoughts in your head.

Once you've finished looking you walk up to your favorite cafe and buy your usual, then you sit down and enjoy your last meal, a ham sandwich and the best coke around. Its perfectly sweet, absolutely amazing. You savor the taste and then walk out while your finishing your coke drink. Then you take a bus place a but higher up, a park you used to go to when you were younger. You thanked the bus driver and then walked off and started crying. You walked back into the woods and at this point it was around 9pm so your phone most definitely had been blown up by your mum, sister, maybe even your friends.

You walked over to a tree with a low ish branch and used a small knife you brought to cut a big enough hole to fit the belt on the tree. Then you wrapped the belt around your neck and let your knees give out. You instantly felt yourself being suffocated but it's fine, because after this you get the sweet release of death. As your vision turns black you hear shouting, and running then you feel yourself being pushed up.

You take in a deep breath and then start crying. One of the people that pushed you up, sat down and pulled you next to him so your head was in his chest and stroked your hair. Normally your would have freaked out and had a panic attack at the male touch but right now, its everything you wanted. Just a simple fucking hug that not even your mum could give you. No its a complete fucking stranger that just stopped you from hanging yourself. You grabbed onto his arm and just cried into his chest and felt more people surrounding you, but not an overwhelming amount. Then you looked at the person's arm and noticed he had the same tattoo that Sodo did on his right arm and you stroked over it and then looked up and saw that it WAS Sodo.

You didn't care to say anything you just wanted to convince them to leave so you could do it again. You leaned back into his chest and cried a bit longer. Once you had cried for about ten minutes you calmed down. The crying and feeling of his stroking your hair had made you tired, but you weren't going to fall asleep. "I'm sorry." You mumble and then sit up and wipe your tears. "You shouldn't be sorry." He says and it's definitely Sodo. "It is you." You say and turn to him ans he smiles. "Per eriksson, Sodo." You then add and he nods, then you look at the other people around and realize your surrounded by ghost.

"Do you want us to call the police? An ambulance?" Swiss asks and kneels in front of you. "No, can you just leave, thanks for saving me an all, and I'm sorry I'm being rude but I can't do this anymore, saving me now and ringing the police, isn't going to stop me doing it again, so if you'll just leave and go on your merry way I can end it without the extra psych ward trauma and verbal abusive from my mum." I say and he shakes his head. "We're not leaving you here and if you dont want us to call the police were gonna call an ambulance." He says and you tear up again.

"Well then I'm leaving, and if you touch me I'll scream bloody murder." You say and stand up. "Please miss, your so young, it gets better. Right you know what we won't call anyone, you won't have to deal with your mum, or the 999 services, just stay with us for a bit." Swiss says and stands up and you turn and he is smiling at you so you sit down. "I'm cold." You say, you didn't bring a jacket as the cold doesn't affect a dead body. You feel a jacket being placed around your shoulders and you see Rain smiling at you. "Your all ghost right, like the band?" You ask, just to make sure and they nod. "Well I fucking love your music, you kept me alive for a long time." You say and then conver your mouth, "Sorry, parden my language." You say, "It's fine, we're adults we don't care." Swiss says who is closest to you. Then you get better go home the end. Fuck this, I'm done with life.

Help Me, Also Included Angsty Ghost OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt