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Do you know when one single fucking thing happens and it is usually super small but then you just wanna kill yourself for it. Like and then the stupid voices in your head tell you to do it, they repeat your embarrassment over and over and show you how disappointed the other person probably is. Im sorry I try so hard but just the little set back but me back to 0. I wanna fucking die so bad right now. I'm sick of disappointing people and letting people down, and I know it's not my fault but its still my body so it is my fault.

I'm just so tired of not getting better, I'm gonna fucking kill myself I swear. I'm trying so god damn hard and I'm still failing. I guess we won't get through this together, I really am trying but it's just so hard. Everything us so fucking hard and I'm sick of letting people down and shit.

Help Me, Also Included Angsty Ghost OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now