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TW: suicide
"Im done." I thought. I grabbed my bag and then climbed out of my window and ran towards the woods. I sat down leaning against a tree stump and then got my blade out of my bag. I cut my arm a few times and then grabbed my phone. Then I text a simple goodbye in the group chat to all the ghouls and ghoulettes and then bring the blade vertically following the line of my vein as deep as I could. It hurt so fucking much but when this pain stopped so did the rest of it. I did it again until there was so much blood. To much, just what I hoped for.

I laid back and read as all the messages were sent in without letting anyone know I'd seen them. Then everything went black.

Third person pov
The ghouls instantly started searching for y/n but couldn't find her for about ten minutes. Aether and Mountain had found them in the woods and quickly carried her back to the ministry hospital. The doctors gave blood transfusions and started surgery to sew her arm back together but during surgery her heart flatlined. They got her pulse back and finished the surgery and when everyone was allowed to see her she passed again. They doctors preformed cpr for 25 minutes but she never regained her pulse.

"I'm afraid y/n has passed away. He tried as hard as we could but I'm afraid her pulse never came back." The doctor said to everyone who was waiting. Everybody started crying and hugging each other. After a few days there was a funeral held for you. After the funeral there was a get to gether where the band sung a few songs. They sung your favorite ghost songs and then sung life eternal. For you, from then on non of them could hear the song without bursting out crying.

The end
See there isn't always a happy ending

Help Me, Also Included Angsty Ghost OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now