Welcome to Tokyo - Prologue

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"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 4B7 from London, England to Tokyo, Japan. Please remain seated for the remainder of the take-off. Thank you." The voice over the intercom informed me that I should put my phone into airplane mode.
This flight is gonna be 12 hours. Ugh. Good thing I brought a bunch of books and stuff with me. Yeah, I can't sleep on planes. Don't ask me why, cause I have no idea. But, this is gonna be a good trip.
As I said goodbye to the grey clouds of the UK I embarked on my journey to Japan.

12 hours later...

Ugh, God. That was the longest 12 hours of my life. As I walked through Haneda Airport I bumped into someone as I was fixing my bag.
"Oops! I'm so sor-I mean gomennasai!" I mustered up the best Japanese I could. I studied a little Japanese before I came but I only know basics and even then, I still get stuck.
The man turned to look at me and he was just... Wow. The guys back home could take a few pointers from this guy on fashion. He was wearing a red suit jacket with a black shirt and white tie. You think it would make him stand out but surprisingly, it didn't. He also had on a black fedora that probably only he could pull off.
"Ah, it's fine. It was my fault for running into the pretty lady." He said as he lifted up my hand and kissed the back of it. Whoa, what? I've only ever seen people do this in movies... Wait a minute, he just spoke English!
"Did you just-" I went silent when I realised he was already gone. He must've been in a hurry... Oh, crap! I have a meeting with the publishing company soon!
I rushed out of the airport, got a taxi - just barely managing to communicate with the driver - and headed for the company building.

Later that evening...

Phew! Finally done! I had just finished the meeting with publisher. Thank god they could speak English. It was already 9:30pm and considering I didn't get in till 6pm, that was 3 and a half hours of setting up dates and times, and going through what pictures needed to be taken, blah, blah, blah. You get the picture.
I started walking to the hotel that I'm stay at which, thankfully, wasn't too far away. I don't think I've ever been this tired. As I trudged along, practically dragging my feet, I walked past s police station, which was surprisingly big. Damn, even the police stations here are impressive. I thought that when I suddenly bumped into someone. Seriously?! The second time today? How much more clumsy can I get? I turned around to apologise when all I saw was someone walking away - honestly, he looked homeless. The way his hair was ruffled and unkept, and how his clothes looked like he literally just threw them on. I heard him mumble something as he walked away.
"Damn tourists..." Well he's just a happy ray of sunshine, now isn't he? And if you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm. I decided not to worry too much about it and proceeded on my way.

I walked into my room which was mostly just the basics, bed, bathroom, etc. Oh, well, I have heat and a bed, that's good enough for me. Before I could finish talking to myself in my thoughts I had already collapsed onto the bed.
"Mm... I need to change, and take my make-up off... and... *yawn* brush my teeth..." Before I knew what was happening, I had already fallen into a deep sleep.

The next day...

*beep* *beep* *beep*
"Ugghhhh... stop, please... jus-just five more minutes..." It was like waking up for school all over again. I reluctantly pulled myself out of bed after having an intense battle with my brain to wake up.
I went into the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and what I saw was not a pretty sight.
"Oh. My. God. I look like death." My mascara and eyeliner were smudged all around my eyes, making me look like a panda.
"I regret not taking off my make-up now..." I mumbled to myself as I washed my face to make myself look decent enough.
I did my morning routine, took a shower, brushed my teeth, yadda, yadda, yadda. Today was the day that we started the photoshoot and it was only 5:30am but I needed to be there early to set stuff up. Oh, the struggles of a photographer...

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